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Jared Joseph Leto
The first night

I couldn't sleep. I kept turning in my bed, fighting the sheets, entwining them between my limbs to protect myself from the excessive heat. It must have been like 35 Degrees Celsius... Sweaty, tired and sleepy I decided at approximately 3 in the morning that there was no point in trying anymore.

Mysteriously, this never happens in Sweden...

I complained to myself, tiptoeing out of the tent, yawning as I went.

The guards had left their posts, by now. The dawn was just about to break at the horizon of the endless, vast, dark, but quiet sea. I was wearing my new Thirty Seconds To F%#*ing Mars tank top (that I had bought in the gift shop, the previous day), a pair of ripped skinny jeans, and as for my hair?! Better not describe the state of that...

Somehow, I felt drawn to the water and as I reached its smooth banks the chill of the salty waves on my bare feet cooled me down. I remembered a song:

🎵Oh, oh. Do you believe that you can walk on water? Oh, oh. Do you believe that you can win this fight tonight?🎵

I sang along to the swift melody in my head, humming softly in between the pauses, when all of a sudden someone finished the last refrain for me. I could hear the voice loud and clear behind my right ear, and who I was hearing, was bound to dawn on me, eventually.

As recognition hit me, I turned bright red in embarrassment. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Him. I had heard him sing this song a billion times. I dared not to turn around, but fell silent the instant I noticed He was there. I could, and more importantly, would not compete with THAT. He was practically a God, especially when it came to singing...

The sun rose and painted the sky and water into different shades of crimson and bright yellow.

I finally got my shit together and faced the man behind me. He was standing but a meter away, staring over my shoulder. The sunlight reflected off of his auburn hair, casting sparkles into my eyesight. He looked down at me.

I had seen his eyes in pictures, of course, but I am telling you, you do not simply state to know the definition of the colour blue before you have seen his eyes first hand. It felt like staring straight into the eyes of infinity. He flashed a pearly white smile.

- Early songbirds, are we? - he winked at me.

I intended to turn my face away in shame, but to my utter surprise, he gently grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

After picking up my jaw, from what I imagined to be the Centre of The Earth, I answered, as in a heated argument with a friend I had known for my whole life, whom I was about to prank:

- No. I'd say I am kind of a night owl... It's too... warm to sleep. - I added, being particularly careful not to use the word hot in that sentence. I could clearly feel my attention slipping away to all sorts of places really and the last thing I needed was to say anything inappropriate, out of pure stupidity, or spite.

- I didn't intend for anyone to hear that. How long have you been standing here? I didn't notice you arriving.

- Then, I will consider myself lucky to have heard all of it, since I was actually already here when you arrived, - he grinned, playfully.

- I'm Jared, by the way, - he extended his hand towards me whilst making a cocky gesture with his head.

I took his hand.

- And I am shocked about your behaviour, Jared Joseph Leto! Stop it right now or... - He didn't let me finish the sentence, smirking like a child at prayer, putting on his most innocent face, he asked;

- You'll kill me? -

As he uttered the word "kill" he pointed at his temple with his right hand, like a gun, pretending to hover with his finger, just above the trigger. His response gave me an idea that could either go really badly or really well. Either way, it was worth a try. I pulled out (and dusted off) my insane, sadistic maniac look from my mental wardrobe, or mind palace, if you like, and made the Joker imitation of a lifetime.

- Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya, really, really bad! -

For a couple of seconds we both tried to be serious about it and hold on to our poker faces, without much luck. We both burst out laughing uncontrollably.

- Nice! But seriously, what's your name, honey, now I must know! - he demanded, in the fashion I was used to hear him speak in normally (i.e: in videos, interviews and films on the internet).

- It is an honour and my pleasure to meet you too, Jared, but I think I will hold on to that name until next time.

I started walking, (I still had absolutely no clue as to what the Hell I was doing) but it didn't take long before he caught up with me grabbing my wrist, insisting on it.

Weirdly, my luck seemed endless and I noticed Shannon jogging down the shore, headed right in our way, closing in the distance between us, by the second.

- Uh, hi Shannon. I know you don't know me, but uhh, a little help?- I suggested, pointing to my wrist that Jared had captured in his iron grip.

He slowed down, said hi and then looked at his baby brother raising his eyebrow, as if the latter would be five. Jared released me instantly, but didn't fail to shoot me a killer glance.

- Jared?! Might I ask what in the name of Holy Guacamole you are doing with the Young Lady? - Shannon asked, seriously.

- M-M-ME?! Why ME? - he stammered back, not knowing what to say in frustration and panic. He over exaggerated his explanation, making faces and gestures with his hands along the way. He looked like a child who's having a tantrum.

- Then she just walks away, never even telling me her bloody name! - he concluded fuming, although never seeming truly angry. More like someone in doubt or disbelief.

- And you have surely considered asking her what her name was... - at this point he turned to me.

- It's Yvette - I answered him, whereas Jared gave me the; "as soon as he is gone you are gonna pay for this" look.

But I decided that I had had my fun and that I'd apologise to them both. I hadn't slept and it had gotten the better of me. Although, afterwards, it kind of didn't seem like we could shake off the laughter that was provoked by the scene Jared had made.

Talk about breaking the ice... Pat, pat on the shoulder Yvette! Well done,

I told myself. This could've gone so much worse...

Meanwhile, it was now time for breakfast. And I, not even suspecting the following atrocities of the day, carelessly bid farewell to the Leto Brothers and merged with the crowd, in the Lunch Hall.

To be continued...

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