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With Shannon At The Tattoo Parlour
3:15 p.m.

At 3:15 sharp, I made it to the tattoo parlour, panting in exhaustion after having had run 2 miles.

- Yvette, I suppose - a blonde woman, tattooed from head to toe, greeted me warmly. She had an Australian accent. - Come on in, you're right on time. I'm Cami, by the way. -

- It's nice to meet you, Cami - I smiled back, following her inside the salon.

- Feel free to take a seat, honey, I'll be with you in a moment. I just need to finish up some refilling for a VIP, ok? -

I nodded and hopped into the comfortable seat, feeling so very smart because of what I was about to do.

- Jesuuus!!! ... Argh! ... Oh, thank God we're done! - I heard a familiar voice yelp from next door. I had to put my hands, quite hastily, in front of my mouth, to contain a burst of laughter. I saw the door handle being turned, but I just couldn't get my features in line. A smile was unconditionally plastered on my face.

- Shannon!!! - I heard Cami shout, getting shushed immediately by the other party.

- I don't care who hears me, SHANNON, and need I remind you that, for the last hour, neither did you! You were wining worse than a little crybaby! I will only take this job on next time if you are on your absolute best behaviour! Is that understood?! -

By the time the last sentence had been uttered I was bent over the edge of the chair, I currently occupied. Shaking, eyes watering and hardly possessing the ability to breathe. All this I achieved (in some magical, yet unknown way) in complete silence. I wiped the tears away, trying not to die of restraint, my face red as a tomato. I could practically see Shannon in front of me, being tattooed, and though the sight was indeed hilarious, once it had settled in my head I knew it was there to stay. For good.

Making a fist out of my right hand, I covered most of my face, drawing my legs up, close to my chest.

As expected, the door opened, in a moment, to give me the spectacular view of Shannon throwing Cami the awesome quantity of three kisses, mouthing "I love you too", rather smugly. She rolled her eyes in response, waving the needle in her hand threateningly in his direction.

- Shoot, shoo, shoo! Skedaddle! Get out of here! - she said, slamming the door to the room next doors shut, with a bang. There was absolutely nothing I could've added.

Shannon, almost pulling off the whole "being cool" act with his shades, short haircut and laid back clothing style, unfortunately for him, peaked over in my direction to see who it was that had overheard this rather amusing conversation.

Upon seeing me sitting in the chair, face still red of laughter, giving him the psychopath wave, his jaw dropped and he walked straight into one of the pillars that held up the ceiling.

Do I even need to describe my reaction to that? No, I know I don't. Nevertheless, after some time of gathering himself, Shannon cleared his throat, removed his sunglasses and walked over to me.

- Hey, Stranger! - he greeted me, blushing slightly. He looked very cute (and I'll add this one, just for the ladies: very handsome as well).

- I didn't know you were getting inked! - he stated, seeming quite impressed.

- Ah, I don't blame you! Nearly forgot about it myself. -

- So, what's it gonna be? - he asked, rubbing his hands together in excitement.

- It's funny, you know, Jared asked me the exact same thing. I told him that it was gonna be a surprise. I'll only tell you if you swear that you are not to tell him. -

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