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Crisis On The Beachside
Day 2: 10 a.m.

After breakfast, everybody spread out to try the different activities within the camp. I decided not to rush the attractions until afternoon, when people had calmed down a bit, so I attended the beach. I hadn't told anyone about my encounter with the band, as I wasn't feeling like sharing this unique, probably once in a lifetime experience. I rather revelled in it.

The weather was amazing, clearly perfect for a morning swim and a sun-bath. Not that I preferred having my skin tanned. Quite the opposite. I liked being pale, but that wasn't going to stop me from having fun.

My hair, that was messy already, wavy because of the saltwater, the wind and the sunshine, flapped around my face as I entered the cool waters, one last time. I enjoyed that there were only a few people around. That way, the silence was almost complete.

Anyhow, that was until I heard water splashing and felt something grab on to my ankle, tugging it downwards. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach clenched. My throat tightened, barely leaving enough space for the oxygen to reach my lungs. Utter fear came over me.

- AAAHHHHHHH!!! - I screamed almost inaudibly, but there was no one to be seen. I was just about to yell for help again when I felt the pressure on my ankle relaxing.

A few moments later, a figure emerged from the water, a couple of meters away from me. Long hair, tattoos and finally; two turquoise blue orbs. I fought for breath as a wave of relief swept over me when I recognised my assailanat. He had got rid of his dripping mane that covered his face, had proceeded to choke on some water whilst laughing so hard that he barely could keep himself afloat.

- JARED!!! Oh, you bastard! I almost had a heart attack! That was not funny. -

- If... Hahhahaha! If you'd have seen your fa-ace, you'd have see-seen the controversiality of saying that it wasn't funny. It was, - he finished.

He was only lucky that he was too far away from me to hit him. We swam to the shore whilst I continuously kept muttering to myself.

- So, you really have absolutely nothing whatsoever better to do than to scare the living shit out of me? Not that I am complaining about your company, in general, but we have got to stop meeting like this. People... will start to talk... - We both dried ourselves off, giggling about that remark, as we had in the meantime gotten back on land.

- Actually, no. I don't have anything better to do and I rather enjoy your company. I missed you. -

This was a little bit bizarre to hear, because A) we had only ever met once, after all, B) that one time had been less than 6 hours ago and; C) we were both wearing swimming attire. I.e. he was only wearing a pair of bright red swimming pants. I cleared my throat, mentally screaming at my thoughts to get back into line, and stop making wild assumptions.

- Already? - I raised my brow at him, whereas he only shrugged, never stopping to smile.

- Why, Shannon is not much of company. He said if I didn't stop running around, annoying him and let him chill until the evening, he would see to it that I couldn't attend tonight's concert without crutches. He's boring, but on the contrary, you're fun! P.s: you would probably never spill my vegan Guacamole on my favourite shirt on taco Friday... - he winked, mischieviously.

Out of the blue, Shannon appeared, facepalming.

- That was one time, Jared. One time, for crying out loud. Stop mentioning it to everybody you meet, - he said, then turned to me. - Hello again, Yvette. I hope you were having lots of fun, (emphasis on the were) although I'm afraid you're stuck with him now, - at this point he nodded towards his baby brother. - Keep him out of trouble for me, would ya? -

- I'll do my best - I said, and waved at him when he passed on by, making a run, fully clothed, I might add, for the sea.

- "Keep him out of trouble, would ya?" - Jared imitated his brother, making the situation hilarious.

- What would you like to do now? - he inquired, a puzzled expression passing across his featueres, only to come back and camp there, as he buried his gaze into mine.

- It's Your Island. You tell me! Make it a surprise, Mr. Vegan Masterchef! - I said packing up my bag, letting it lean against my tibia while I waited for his reply.

His face lit up, clearly having had figured out some kind of a complicated scheme. He grabbed my backpack, threw it over his shoulder, taking my hand, entertwining our fingers as he began to drag me along. I settled in his pace, quick enough, but he did not let go of my hand.

- Where are we going? - I asked him, superflously. He did not reply. Well, he did, if we may call a smile that reaches your eyes a reply.


After about half an hour of walking in silence, (do not mistake me, it wasn't awkward at all) I felt like I had to say something.

- You know, you can let go of me. I'm not gonna run away. -

- Oh, I know. I just don't want to. Do you mind? - he replied cheerfully, peaking over his shoulder at me. PROVEHITO IN ALTUM, his tattoo read. It must have been Latin, and though I hadn't the slightest clue as to what it might mean, I liked it.

- No, I don't mind, but just so you know; you are literally older than my Father was. -

He stopped, abruptly and let go of me. We were standing in an alley of mediterranian trees that cast shadows across the road we stood on. On the left-hand side of the path there were two huge wooden buildings, with large windows looking out across the beach and the endless sea that ran parallel to the road. A ginormous stage was present as well, with a few security guards standing on either side of it. Fans were not supposed to come here, unless it was time for one of the concersts. I didn't even realise, up until now, that I had been upgraded to some sort of VIP visitor, because of a little, harmless insomnia and sheer luck. Jared looked me deeply in the eyes, a troubled expression settling on his features, for the first time since I had met him.

- I am so sorry for your loss and I want to assure you that my intentions are pure. Just friends, ok? -

I hadn't noticed, but a teardrop had rolled over the brim of my eyes. I made a sound of irritation. Something in the lines of: "Heh!" I was quick to wipe it away with the back of my hand, then nod in gratitude of his condolences and understanding. Yet, I was unprepared for the sudden contact of his skin as he pulled me into his embrace, for a hug. I recognised that this man was truly a marvel. He should be awarded the title of being a national treasure, or something. I sighed, as I reciprocated the warm gesture. His hair smelled like summer and vanilla, I noted numbly. Eventually, I sneezed, because it was only so much pleasant scents my nostrils could take. Jared let the protective gesture of rubbing my shoulders slip, in order to keep me warm.

- Do you have a change of clothes in here? - he questioned, pointing at my bag he still carried. I nodded, cheerful once more. It was as if his strengh and faith rubbed off.

- Great. Then let's go inside and I'll try to prove worthy of the title you've given me. "Jared Leto: The Vegan Masterchef!" Certainly sounds good to me! And afterwards, how would you feel about a little bit of hiking? -

- I'd love to, but I must warn you. I am quite pekish - I responded, possibly a trifle too quick. Did I suffer from fear of abandonment? Most likely...

- Just one more question - I looked at him and the wonders of the building in front of us, in turns. Although, I was not quite sure whether it was the house or the man dressed in nothing but swimming attire, who stood beside me that could have more righteously been called a piece of art. His gaze fixated on me once more. I looked up at him, namely he was a head taller than me, genuine admiration radiating from every cell in my body.

- Is that really your house? That is a damn mansion! -

He laughed at my amazement, leading me to the porch.

- One of them... - he answered, smiling.

To be continued...

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