Day Two: Princess

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A/N: This is a Skyward Sword based story, set after the defeat of Demise. It's my theory that Link and Zelda stayed in the Sealed Temple for a while after Demise's eradication--as Fi would say😉--so that appears somewhat in here. This is loosely based off of the prompt, I guess, and parts of it are cheesy, but ya know what, I don't care. 

I don't own the art!!



Zelda wandered through Faron Woods, searching for her friend. She had seen him leave the Sealed Temple a little while ago and come this way, but she hadn't the slightest where he had gone. "Where in Skyloft can he have gone?" she muttered, halting and placing her hands on her hips. A smirk crossed her face. "Probably asleep under a tree somewhere." 

Unaware of how correct her assumption was, Zelda resumed her search, continuing on down the path and peering left and right into the trees. Evening was quickly approaching, and Zelda wanted Link to get back to the Sealed Temple before the monsters started coming out. She knew he was perfectly capable of handling himself, but still, she worried for him sometimes. Besides, she nearly had dinner ready--fresh bread and fried fish--and she knew Link wouldn't want to miss that.

"Link!" Zelda called again, beginning to get a little exasperated. "Gee, where can he have gone?" She rounded a massive tree and halted. There, at the foot of the tree's trunk, was Link. He was sprawled with his back against the tree trunk, one arm draped over his face and the other stretched out beside him. His eyes were peacefully closed, a lock of golden hair falling over his forehead, and with each breath he exhaled, a soft whispery sound filled the air. Zelda stared down at him, at the peace on his face, and wondered if she should wake him. He looked so calm.

She debated the issue for a moment, then finally, after glancing at the gathering shadows and feeling the air cool down further, she knelt beside her friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Link," she whispered, then, when nothing happened, she shook his shoulder and said louder, "Link."

With a grunt, her friend started to wake up, his eyes opening and looking around blearily before they focused on Zelda and shot wide open in alarm. He struggled to sit up, looking panicked, and said, "What's the matter? What's wrong?"

Zelda's heart went out to him, to the fact that he was still so alert and concerned about her all the time. "Sh, it's okay," she reassured him. "I just wanted to say I have some food for us. Besides, it's getting dark."

"Oh," breathed Link, looking relieved and sinking back against the tree. He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them again, a smile flitting across his face. "You remember that game we used to play as children, whenever evening came around? We would sneak out of our homes after dinner and meet up in the plaza, then go down to the waterfall and run around playing our game for an hour or two."

Zelda grinned, twisting around so she was leaning against the tree as well. She longed to place her head on Link's shoulder, but she didn't think that would be a welcome gesture. Refraining, she commented, "The Knight and the Princess, I believe it was called. It always had the same plotline: the princess was in danger and the knight had to rescue her." She laughed softly, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. "We weren't very imaginative, were we?"

"No," Link agreed quietly. His tone became serious as he said, "We sort of went through that when everything happened, didn't we? I was the knight rescuing my lost princess. Although," he added with a frown, "you didn't exactly need saving."

"Yes I did," Zelda said with a giggle, her eyes flying open. "And what do you mean, your lost princess? I'm no princess. Just because I'm the goddess reborn doesn't mean I'm royalty." She turned her head to look at him, a grin on her face, and jerked it back slightly in surprise. She hadn't realized he was so close to her.

Link glanced at her, his eyes solemn. "You've always been royalty to me," he whispered softly.

Zelda felt a chill run through her, and she gave a nervous laugh. "Don't tease," she said in a light tone that didn't divulge the pounding of her heart. She smacked Link gently on the arm as she spoke.

He caught her hand with his as she started withdrawing it. "I'm not teasing," he murmured. His hand gently but firmly held Zelda's, not letting it go. "I'm perfectly serious." 

Zelda's breathing became rapid and heavy, like she couldn't get enough air. She didn't speak for a minute, staring straight ahead, feeling Link's gaze on her but avoiding it. Heat burned in her cheeks as carefully she tried pulling her hand from his, but he only tightened his grip, leaning forward and into her line of vision. "Zel?" he said softly. "Are you angry with me?"

She started, feeling guilty for making him think such a thing. She flicked her eyes to him, gave a tight smile, and shook her head. "No, of course not."

Link exhaled in a sigh of relief, dropping his gaze. He turned his eyes to the sky, which flamed crimson and purple as twilight approached. Flushing as red as the heavens above, Link swallowed and said, "Zelda, there's something I've wanted to tell you...ever since we were children, actually. When we were running around pretending to be knights and princesses...well, there was never any doubt in my mind that...that you were my princess. That I would be your knight and die for you. That's why...that's why I missed you so much while you were gone..." 

"That's why you came after me," Zelda said quietly.

Link gave a brief nod, chewing his lip worriedly and scratching the back of his head with his free hand. "See, what I'm trying to say...what I've been wanting to say...."

Zelda felt her pulse speed up even faster, thumping through her veins in a crazy rhythm. She was half hoping for, half dreading the words that she believed were about to come out of his mouth.

"Zelda, I love you."

Zelda felt like someone had choked all the air out of her. She sat, gasping a little, aware that her fingers were tightening around Link's hand in an almost iron grip. A worried look crossed his face, and then he blushed and looked away, withdrawing his hand suddenly from hers. "I know you don't love me back, Zel, but..." He hesitated, then said in a whisper, "I had to say it."

Zelda just sat there, silent, her eyes wide, her heart threatening to burst from her chest. After a few seconds, she swiveled to face Link, taking in his saddened expression and the way the light was fading from his eyes at what he believed was his mistake. A few heartbeats followed, and then Zelda breathed, "What...did you say?"

Link looked up at her, startled, his face crimson. He gulped. "I...I said...I loved you."

Zelda closed her eyes.

Link internally cursed himself. You idiot, why did you say that, you've ruined everything--

He felt pressure on his hand and looked down. Zelda was sliding her hand into his again. He fearfully raised his eyes to her face, but the look he saw there reassured him slightly. A massive grin crossed her features, almost seeming to split her face in half. Her eyes sparkled at him. "Link, I love you too," she said in an ecstatic tone, her whole face flushing red.

Link's jaw nearly hit the ground. After he collected it again, he squeaked, "What??"

Zelda snickered, edging closer to him, their fingers still laced together. "I love you too."

It was Link's turn to be speechless, and he sat stunned. He didn't need to say anything, though, because at that moment Zelda leaned in and kissed him, surprising both of them. They recovered quickly, because a minute, then two, passed without them breaking it. When at last they did, Zelda did what she had been wanting to all evening and leaned her head on Link's strong shoulder, watching fireflies flicker in the distance. 

Up above, the purple-smeared sky turned black, and silvered stars winked in the heavens. At the Sealed Temple, the food Zelda had prepared sat forgotten, but, had they remembered, the hero and the goddess would not have cared one bit. 

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