When I woke up, Josh was gone. I was cold, but I was wearing a hoodie and was covered in blankets. This is weird...
I got out of bed and changed into ripped white jeans, a black T-shirt, and some vans. I had on some black socks, and two chains to complete the look. I fixed up my black hair and brushed my teeth, then headed down stairs. When I got down the stairs, I saw Quinton and Anthony hand in hand, standing in front of all the boys. I saw Josh in the corner of the couch, in all black. Black jeans, black hoodie, black shoes, black socks, black chains, what has gotten in to him?
"Guys, we have important news!" Anthony squealed "We are dating. We have been for a while now, actually. About, three months. And sense it's June first, the starting day of pride month, we decided to tell you all." He smiled and kissed Anthony's cheek. "AWWWWWWWW!" The boys yelled. (All except Josh) (and me) "And, Quin and I met a new friend at the mall last night! Everyone, meet Taytum!" Anthony said, stepping to the side to reveal a girl, about the age of 17.
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"Hello! I'm Taytum Ruel, hows it going?" She smiled and waved "HAIIIIII!" All the boys yelled (except Josh and I)
"She's from L.A, and she's a model!" Ant gushed, making Taytum chuckle "Quinton and Anthony said I could join the Sway house if I wanted?" She asked, sitting on the ground "If you want to, I'm sure you could." I piped up, shrugging "Omg, Jaden?! I love your music! Your literally amazing." She giggled "I Uh, thanks" I blushed "No problem! Your a really great singer." She smiled.
*Later in the day*
J̸o̸s̸h̸'s̸ P̸.O̸.V̸
I sat on the edge of the bed, by myself. I've been acting depressed and cried a lot today. Sad. I know. But I can't help it, I just can't. Seeing Quin and Ant come out today was adorable, but I couldn't do it. They are brave, I'm not. They love each other, I love Jaden, but Jaden doesn't love me.