Chapter Twenty

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Yes," I said as the door to the room opened.

"I think it is almost time," Keaton said as he stood in the door way.

"Okay," I said.  

I walked over to Keaton.  He smiled at me.  "You look very nice," he said.

"Thank you," I said as he wrapped my arm around his arm.  

He walked me out to where the carriages and horses were.  We walked to the edge of the arena, but stayed completely out of sight.  I listened to the booming crowd above us cheering and screaming.  They seemed more excited from down here.

I leaned my head closer to Keaton.  "Do you know what's happening?" I asked.

"I'm actually not sure," Keaton said.  "King Maddox doesn't tell me much."

"Oh," I said.  King Maddox doesn't tell anyone anything it seemed.

I looked out at the arena.  From our spot, we could see the stage, the dirt floor, but we couldn't see the people cheering in the stands.  

I watched a general standing at the podium.  His medals on his uniform shined.  The general held up his hand, silencing the crowd quickly.  "Thank you, the good people of Kenora.  Of Arabella.  I am so pleased to welcome you to the end of the Zenith Celebration.  I present to you King Maddox Ricker and Prince Leland Ricker.  Our King of our great Kingdom of Arabella."

The crowd cheered as King Maddox walked out onto the stage.  Prince Leland followed him.  They both waved their hands at the crowd.  I heard the crowd clapping and yelling.  They seemed so happy to see King Maddox and Prince Leland.

King Maddox and Prince Leland took their seats on their thrones.  The same thrones of twisted black metal.  King Maddox continued to wave as he sat in his throne.  Prince Leland kept his hands in his lap but looked out into the crowd.  He seemed like he was looking for something.

The general held up his hands to quiet the crowd once King Maddox set his hands down on the arm rests of his throne.  The crowd quickly fell silent.  

"This year was an amazing Zenith Celebration.  The best one yet.  We are here today to celebrate the end of another Zenith Celebration.  We must remember our past and what we have over came to get to where we are.  Please welcome Prince Leland Ricker as he retells our great story of the Kingdom of Arabella," the General announced.

The crowd clapped as Prince Leland stood up from his throne.  He walked up to the podium with his head held up tall.  The General bowed to Prince Leland.  Then the General walked over to King Maddox and stood behind the throne.

"Thank you, General Pike," Prince Leland said as he clapped.  The crowd of people began to clap as well.  Then Prince Leland held up his hand to silence the crowd.  He smiled at the crowd.  "The Kingdom of Arabella is one of the most amazing Kingdoms in the world.  We have people here from all over Arabella.  We have soldiers from Warwick.  Advisors from every district.  And farmers from all the farms that surround our towns here."  The crowd of people clapped.  "I am so proud that as a Kingdom, we can come together to celebrate during the Zenith Celebration.  I want everyone to remember how King Davidson Galore Pierce ruled this Kingdom as a tyrant ruler, stealing from the people.  He starved the people.  He refused to help his top generals when they really needed him."

Prince Leland took a deep breath.  He looked out to the crowd, looking sad.  "My father, Maddox Ricker was King Davidson Galore Pierce's top general and good friend.  My mother was very sick and needed medicine.  My father couldn't get the medicine, so he asked King Davidson for help.  King Davidson refused to help even though he could have easily helped.  The pain of King Davidson not helping, my mother dying, and seeing the kingdom so distraught over the living conditions gave my father such pain."

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