#2 goes missing

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"Mou~ I am hungry~ Let's eat Aka-chin." Murasakibara-kun walked over to the bench and opened a bag of chips. Everyone followed him and picked their own preference of their snacks while I took the Vanilla chips brought by Kise-kun. "These are delicious, Kise-kun. Thank you for bringing me these." I eye smiled at Kise-kun. His face got red. "N-No problem! Kurokocchi! I can bring you these everyday!" He smiled back rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled back at him and then everyone who were watching were observing us. "I am glad to you all as my friends. Thank you! Everyone!" I giggled and all of them stared at me with a bit of pink covering their cheeks.


I stopped for a while before reaching for my phone. Kagami-kun had messaged me. "Kuroko.. this is bad.. I saw Nigou running around the street." said the message. I frowned and quickly called Kagami-kun. He picked up almost immediately. "Kagami-kun! Did you find him?" I got nervous. "Sorry Kuroko, I couldn't catch up with him." I sighed. "Where are you right now?" I said calming down. It was expected of Kagami-kun. After all he was afraid of dogs. "I am in the park near your house. I happened to see him running while I was passing by your house. " He explained.

"Kagami-kun, can you do me a favor? If you free that is.."

"I am free Kuroko. What do I do?" He replied almost immediately.

"Just stay there Kagami-kun while you search for him. I'll come to you right away." I stood up grabbing my belongings. I walked ahead totally forgetting that there were GoM with me until somebody grabbed my wrist. I looked at the hand then at the owner of the hand. "Tetsuya, I believe I need an explanation and a reason as to why you are leaving so suddenly." He had a face that reflected displease. "Yeah, Kurokocchi! You need to tell us where you are going-ssu!" Kise-kun pouted. "I wonder who would be so important than us. Not that I care or anything. Just curious." Midorima-kun pushed his glasses up. "Ehh~ I want to spend more time with Kuro-chin~" Murasakibara-kun just munched on the chips. "So, who called you, Tetsu?" Aomine-kun grumbled rubbing his neck. An odd habit of Aomine-kun whenever he felt curious or bored. "It was Kagami-kun. He said that Nigou was running around. I am sorry for not informing you guys and tried to leave." I nodded my head slightly like bowing. "Hmm.. it seems that the matter is very important to you." Akashi-kun released my wrist.

"Hai. Nigou is my pet dog. So, I'll take my leave now if you don't mind." I waited for an approval. "We'll go with you, Tetsuya. The more the merrier, right?" The others nodded and started collecting their belongings. "Hai. Thank you again. And sorry for the inconvenience." I bowed again. "Jeez! Why do you keep bowing like that Tetsu! We are friends aren't we?" Aomine-kun ruffled my hair. I smile. "Hai." I smiled sweetly at them. "L-let's go now. We might lose him." Midorima-kun walked ahead leading us. "That's not the way, Midorima-kun." I said and led the others. After 10 minutes we reached the park where Kagami-kun had been.

I looked around trying to spot him. After finally spotting him I called out to him. "Kagami-kun!" I ran over to him. "Kuroko." He walked towards me as well. "Did you find him?" I grabbed his shoulder looking straight at his eyes. He froze but shook his head right after. "He must be somewhere." I released his shoulder and ran to the nearest person and asked him if he had seen Nigou by explaining his details. The man shook his head. Then I continued with the other people as well.

Third Person's POV

After searching for 4 hours they still couldn't find Nigou. Kuroko kept on apologizing from time to time for causing others trouble but others just shook it off and continued helping him. They gathered back at the park and sat on the bench some sat on the grassy land. By that time it had already been dark. Kuroko sat in the middle looking down frustrated although it was not so visible tot the others. The said boy sighed again. "I am sorry again, everyone. I only wasted your time and effort."

"I swear Tetsu if you apologize one more time I am breaking off our friendship." The tanned boy said already having enough of his apologies. They were friends for Gods' sake! This is the least he could for his friend. Kuroko smiled sadly at that. "It's getting late. Thank you for helping me. You can go home." Kuroko stood up. "And what are you going do, Kuroko?" Midorima watched the blue headed boy. "I'll search for him a bit more." Kuroko said looking at a particular direction. It was the place he had not checked. "Then we'll help as well. Nigou is important to Kurokocchi! So Nigou is important to me too."

"Although the dog peed in my cart, he still is a growing pup. Not that I care about it's whereabouts."

"I want to help Kuro-chin too."

"Guess it can't be helped, huh?" Akashi smiled helplessly.

"Let's go, Kuroko!" Kagami wrapped an arm around the smaller boy's shoulder. "Minna.." Kuroko couldn't be more grateful and lucky to have such nice friends. Suddenly they heard a cry. It was a dog's cry. Kuroko fled out of the park hoping that it was Nigou without anyone noticing. "So where should we look for him, Kuroko?" Kagami turned to look at the boy only to realize that he had disappeared. "Kuroko??!" He jabbed his head side to side. "Tetsu! WAIT!" Aomine shouted as he spotted Kuroko running to a dark alley. The rest of the Generation of Miracles and Kagami ran following the youngest boy. "Idiot! What is he thinking?! Dark alleys are dangerous specially at night!" Midorima shouted running.

Kuroko's POV

I stood at the opening of the alley. There were some drunk men hitting a scared Nigou. I glared at them snapping out it again after Nigou let out a whimper. "Nigou!" I ran up to him covering him as soon as I got hold of him. "Please don't hit the dog. You are abusing an animal." I said glaring in their eyes. "Huh? Where did this cutie come from?" One of the drunkard smirked. "Say~ Wanna have some fuun~" The other got hold of my wrist but I slapped it away. "HUh? Fiesty I see~ Well that makes it more interesting! HAahahaha!" The same man from before pulled my wrist forcefully causing me to drop Nigou and getting slammed to his body. "Are? It's a boy~" The man holding me put his hand on my chin making me face him. His stinking breath caught my nose. I frowned at the disgusting smell. When he faced me fully he froze then a creepy smirk replaced disappointed face. "A pretty boy~" He pulled my face closer to him. I was about to react when I pulled away from the man and slammed into yet another body. He wrapped his arms around me protectively. "Don't feel scared, Tetsuya. I- We are here." I looked p and saw Akashi-kun smiling down at me. "Akashi-kun." He raised his hand and covered my eyes with his palm. I was confused. Then after a few seconds he uncovered my eyes. He released me. I turned around to see everyone grinning at me. The drunt men nowhere to be seen. "Kurokocchi don't run off like that! Those filthy hands touched you now-ssu!" Kise-kun fake sobbed. "Arff!" I looked down and saw Nigoou sitting in front of me. "Nigou.." I crouched down and picked him up. He started licking my chin as if he was trying to wipe away dirtiness on my chin. I closed my eyes from the pressure.

"Tetsuya, you sure are a careless person asking for danger. What would have happened if we didn't come on time." Akashi-kun was angry. "I am sorry, Akashi-kun. I was just so worried when-"

"Shower." Akashi-kun cut in. "Eh?" I tilted my head. "You reek of that rogue." He said with a cold expression. "H-hai."

"Since you just got attacked by that rogue we'll stay over in case something happens again." He said exiting the alley. "It's fine, Akashi-kun, I can take ca-"

"Are you defying me, Tetsuya?"


"Then let's get going."

"Yayyy! We'll go to Kurokocchi's house!"

"Shut up BAKA! You are disturbing the neighborhood." Midorima-kun hit Kise-kun's head. "Mou~ Midorimacchi, you didn't have to hit hard!" He pouted. "Are you hurt, Kise-kun?" I asked with worry. "Kurokocchi~ You are the only one who cares about me!" He hugged me from behind resting his chin on my head.

Normal POV

That time Kuroko didn't notice that Kise was actually sticking out his tongue teasing the others indicating his victory. Everyone felt irritated and gritted their teeth. They felt a knot in their heart. They felt jealous but were oblivious to the feeling except for Kise and Kagami. Kagami because he knew he was jealous because he liked Kuroko. Although it was not announced but they all had somehow got involved in an unannounced competition and Kise was the victor of the first round.

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