11|Code Dream

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June 24,2020
10.30 pm


Suho's getting worried. It's been a week since they've sent off WayV and EXO-M, but they still haven't returned, much less said anything.

He sits nervously in his office, bouncing his leg out of both habit and stress. Irene, irritated by the constant amount of movement, asks him what's wrong.

He merely stares at the screen that holds the lights, the only evidence that the group is still alive. He keeps silent and doesn't answer her question. 

Realizing she wasn't getting an answer, Irene rolled her eyes and went back to work. Suho watched the screen for another five minutes before he gets hit with Deja vu.

He watches as all lights, except one, go off. One by one. All, except Kun's. He immediately calls for a meeting, just like the week prior, only this time, even more lives were at stake.

He watches outside the glass walls to his office as people rush into the meeting room next door. He's practically shaking in fear. Irene notices and Moves forwards to comfort him. 

After he's composed himself, Suho gets up, fixes his suit, and heads to the room with Irene tailing behind him.

He tries to speak to the crowd, but nothing comes out so, Irene talks. "Just last week we called for Code V and sent them with EXO-M on a recon mission at the labs. Just now, we watched 11 out of 12 lights go out."

Whispers erupted throughout the room. Gasps were emitted from the Heads of JYP Building. Irene waited for it to settle before continuing. "I think, we should destroy the labs. Get rid of them. We'll have to send in another team to do it though."

"What if they die or go missing too?"

"We can only hope they don't. I, for one, think activating Code Dream would lead to the best results."


Irene walked up to the floor's supervisor, Wendy. The Chief Administrators have agreed to go forth with Code Dream. 

They also decided to wait another week to see if anything else happens to WayV and EXO-M. So, in the mean time, those on the first floor of building 127, will undergo training. 

"Wendy!" She called out, as a girl, who was dozing off, jumped up.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"We have a Code Dream."

"What?" Wendy asked, exasperated, "Are you kidding me?!"

"We're in deep shit, we have to!"

Their arguing back and forth caused the other supervisor, Kai, to overhear and take a look. Instead of taking the elevator, he jumped down the center, landing a few paces behind Wendy. However, neither of the girls payed any attention to him.

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