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𝗦𝗼 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗜𝘀 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲?

   "So, what do ya think?" Mollie asked

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"So, what do ya think?" Mollie asked.
"Huh-oh yes. That dress looks just darlin' on you, Mollie."I nodded.
"Really? You think so?"She giggled.
"Yes, truly," I said and continued to look at the stage set.
"Do you think Marlon would like it?"She asked shyly.
"Well, I don't rightfully know why you'd want to know his opinion anyway."I spat. I was only actin' this way cause I was hurtin' on the inside.
"Well...I guess your right. I'm trying to put myself out there ya know?" She looked down and played with her dress in a child-like way. I lightly touched her shoulder.
"I'm sorry Mollie. I shouldn't have said somethin' rude like that."She shook her head.
"No no. That's alright, but it's true what you were sayin'. Marlon has been shootin' down every girl that's been comin' his way recently. I don't know what hit'em."She shrugged trying to look around for him.
"What are you sayin' Mollie?"I asked curiously.
"Well as you know he is a real looker and all the ladies come about askin' him on dates and such but he has recently hardly been seen with the other girls round here no more, unless he's on stage."She explained in detail as usual.
"Really now?"I asked and she nodded again.
"That's right. Maybe he's goin' steady with a lucky lady now, and we just don't know it!"She suggested. I know I shouldn't be engagin' in this type of conversation but I suppose I can't resist a lil talk.
"Who do ya think with?"I asked. Mollie tapped her chin gently.
"I don't know, but if I had to guess maybe Betty. They spend a lot of time together on stage so they diffidently see each other the most."
"I see. Welp, maybe it's for the best he stay clear of the ladies for now."I said with a bit of sass.
"And why is that?"A familiar voice struck down on the conversation.
"M-Marlon! We were just talkin' bout you."Mollie tripped over her own words. Marlon smiled at her playfulness. Maybe because it mirrored his own personality.
"Really now? Well, I hope all good things."He grinned. Mollie laughed nervously and put her hair behind her ear.
"Oh of course! There are only good things to say about you."
"Oh geez, your too kind Mollie."He chuckled handsomely. I rolled my eyes and didn't say a word till he went on his way. I couldn't even look at him and I'm the one that let him off.
"Wow isn't he somethin' Georgia?"She swooned.
"Yeah, he's somethin' alright."

I hummed as I gathered my things to go to lunch. Out of now where someone snatched my brown paper bag right outta my hands. I quickly looked up to see who it was.
"Marlon?! What in the world do you think you're doin?!"I reached up to grab my lunch but he just pulled it away with a smile as usual.
"We are having lunch together."He claimed and I rolled my eyes.
"No, we're not."I stood up straight and brushed off the dirt from my shirt.
"Well, then I guess you're not having lunch."
"So you'd rather me starve?"I crossed my arms and lend on my hip.
"No, I'd rather you have lunch with me. Come on! It's just two friends having a meal together."He grinned.
"...Fine. Just two people havin a meal together."He handed me my lunch."And I am not yo friend."I stuck my head up and walked with him.

After we had lunch together in complete silence (which I didn't mind one bit) it was time to get back to work. But before I could leave Marlon gently held my hand and looked me in the eyes.
"What is it now, Marlon?"I looked away tryin' not to be flattered by his display of affection.
"Georgia," He slowly turned my jaw to face him. I gradually looked up at him unable to stop myself now.
"...Marlon," I whispered.
"I'll always wait for you."He smiled warmly and I thought I would just die in his arms. I study his face as my eyes began to water a bit.
"But...What if that day...never comes?"I begged to know the solution. He chuckled like he always did.
"Then I suppose I'll be waiting forever."I scoffed a bit and tried to look away but he wouldn't let me and I slowly began to subdue.
"Marlon, you're a smart man. How do I know you won't up and leave me when one of your buddies asks you why your datin' a black woman. Huh?"I raised my groomed brows."What would you say to them? To everyone?"
"Because I love her and she is very intelligent, hard-working, and beautiful beyond compare."He smiled so much his eyes shut.
"Oh my, I...I-I don't rightfully know what to say."I suppose now I began to blush. No ones every said somethin' like that to me before.
"That's quite alright. Somethings don't need words."He slowly began to inch closer and close to my lips until I just shot up and pulled him to me. This kiss with him felt like a storm on a hot night. With lighting that shocked me but felt just wonderful.
So this, I thought.
So this is love?

𝗧𝗼 𝗕𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱..

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