the game

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Izzy's POV

toby 🐝                                                
we're outside
we are waitingggg
where are u

Sunlight is beaming through the window, I slowly adjust my newly opened eyes to the bright light that rudely woke me from my deep sleep. Shit what time is it, i look over to my phone..

10:02 am
Saturday, 21st

Reminder🗓 : Roosters Football game
toby 🐝: 3 missed calls
toby 🐝:18 new messages

Fuck fuck fuck! I slept through my alarm I was meant to be awake 10 minutes ago. I was supposed to be picked up at 10 not wake up at 10!

I move as fast as I could out of bed grabbing my black tennis skirt and shoes on the way to the closet. "Where is it" I think as I scan my overcrowded closet for my favourite sweater, the bright pink sweater catches my eye. I pull it over my head and trip over as I attempt to pull my skirt up and tie my shoes at the same time.

I rush down the stairs almost tripping over the cat as I barge into the kitchen like a mad man.

I'm stopped abruptly as see two friendly faces sitting at the kitchen counter chatting quietly to my mom. I walk over, "Toby, Tommy! I'm so sorry, I slept through my alarm and then I couldn't find my-" i'm cut off as i'm engulfed in a big hug from the smaller one. "It's ok! We're here now" Toby says with a huge smile plastered on his face.

I walk over to the taller one and punch him in the arm "Hii TomTom" I say while giggling. "IzIz! I hate you right now, you're gonna make me late to the game !!" he says back to me as he punches me harder and laughs. "Ow, i'm sorry!" I say and I walk over to my mom as give her a big hug and a kiss on the head.

"Good Luck Tommy!" I hear mom say and as Tommy pulls out of the driveway he gives her a beep beep and we all wave goodbye.

We pull up to the school that Tommy's playing at. The stands are packed with avid football watchers, parents and supporters. I knew it was going to be busy as it was the last game before school starts on the 31st. Tommy gives us a wave before jogging over to a few other guys who were walking toward the locker rooms. Me and Toby find a seat quickly as we know very soon it'll be full.

"Tommy said this is a big game!" Toby says to me with excitement "Oh yeah that's so cool" I reply back. To be honest I couldn't care less. I'm not into sports, i've never liked them. I just don't see what's fun about running around for hours throwing a ball. However I come to practically every school football game for Tommy, he's one of my best friends - i've known him since we were babies. We met Toby a couple years ago and we've been the 'power trio' ever since.

"Halftime" a loud voice comes over the speakers. Toby jumps up and pulls my sleeve for me follow, "I'm so hungry" he mumbles as we rush down the stairs.

Toby buys a large popcorn and a water bottle for Tommy. After, we walk through the gates towards the field to give it to Tommy. He's standing there chatting to a few others when we walk over, Toby gives him a hug and hands him the water bottle "Thanks Tubbo!" (Tubbo is Tommy's nickname for Toby). Toby joins into the conversation with the boys and I glance around at the mud covered footballers until I see him.


Nick is a boy at my school that I've liked since middle school, he was the quarter back of the football team although the didn't act like it. He was the kindest sweetest person who looked like he gave the best hugs and omg he looked so good in the football uniform and his hair looked so good today

Shit i'm getting side tracked
He probably doesn't even know who I am
Omg how long have i been starting at him
Do you think he saw me starring

I catch his eyes quickly flick over to mine and I can can feel my cheeks start to burn at his glare. I turn my head to face away from him because I know how red I turned. I tell Tubbo that we should go back to our seats and he reluctantly leaves Tommy and trods behind me back to where we were sitting.

"The Roosters win!!" the same voice comes over the speakers again. Tubbo shoots up and does a little happy dance screaming at the top of his lungs, I jump up and copy his dance and we erupt into laughter. "IM DECOMPOSING" he shouts, that just sends me into to another flood of giggles.

Tommy runs up the stairs with a huge grin on his face, "what are you guys laughing about?", Toby and I jump onto him giving him a big hug we shower him in compliments and congratulate him for the game.

"Some of the guys from the team invited me to go out for dinner with them and they said you can come?" Tommy asks. "Yes please i'm still hungry" Toby exclaims, a giggle and reply with "sure who's going?" "Um Clay, George Darryl and um" I let out a sight of relief. I see Tommy think for a minute then he adds "Oh yeah and Nick"

And just like that a feel my cheeks heat up again.

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