the diner

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Izzy's Pov

I watched the group of footballers climb into the back of a shiny red car and speed away closely followed by Tommy, Toby and I.

We pull up to a bright blue diner speckled in old Christmas lights, I could see their car sitting outside. "I am so hungry!" Toby says as he pushes past me and heads to the entrance. Tommy an I follow closely behind as we make our way to the door.

An overwhelming smell of cheap coffee and greasy bacon fills my lungs as we enter, loud rock and roll music plays from an old jukebox in the corner. Tommy walks over to a table where the other guys are sitting, Nick is there smiling and laughing at something George said. I feel myself blush so before I walk over I close my eyes and count to three to calm myslef,


"IZZY!" a loud voice interrupts me, I open my eyes and two warm arms fling over my shoulders and engulf me in a big hug. "Hi Bad!"
I smile while hugging back. Darryl (A.K.A Bad) and I had met at a chess contest where I won (That's where the nickname 'Bad' came from). We chatted for a bit until he asked if I wanted to go back to the table, I reluctantly agreed.

When we walked over, Clay and George were chatting to eachother - laughing, wheezing even. Toby and Tommy were playing with the packets of sugar that were sat on the table. And Nick, he was sitting there on the side of the booth distracted by something on his phone. His head shot up as we approached.

Bad slumped down next to Tommy on the edge.

No, this can't be happening..

"Izzy, there's a seat next to Nick" Toby said with a huge smirk while he gestured to the empty space next to Nick.


I felt like the world froze as a carefully sat down next to him

He smelt nice, like a sweet vanilla candle

I could feel his eyes on me and my cheeks started to heat up

Oh god, he's looking. Do I say something wtf

"Hi Izzy" he said with a warm smile

What the honk. Nick, honking Nick knows my honking name!! Nick knows my name?!?!?

For a minute I forgot to respond, "You ok over there" Tommy snickered from across the table, I shot him a glare and turned back to Nick and gave him a big smile, "Hi".

It was one of the best nights I've had in a long time, we sat and chatted for what felt like hours. It was like no one else existed, just him and I.

After the same country song played one repeat for what felt like 100 times, I decided to go put a song on queue. Nick jumped up after me. The Jukebox was pretty old fashioned but it was new enough in which I could connect my phone to it, I reached for my phone.

Shit where's my phone..

I was frantically feeling my pockets looking for my phone when Nick asked "What's up?", "Oh nothing I just can't find my phone haha" I replied while looking in my bag. "Oh here put your number into my phone and I'll call it for you"

I typed the numbers into his phone and handed it back to him, he named the contact with the cutest smiley face and pulled the camera up to take a photo of me.

"Nooo!" I cried as the flash from his phone went off, "That is so bad!!" I said as I slumped my head into my hands.

"No, you look cute" he said under his breath while clicking the 'Call' button

Excuse me, did I hear that right

I listened closely for the ringtone, suddenly a loud buzz came from Nicks pocket.

I stared up at him with disappointment. "This was all part of your plan to get my number wasn't it"

"No what! Never" he said trying to hold in his laughter. I play punched him in the arm and snatched the phone off him and plugged it into the Jukebox

I scrolled through my saved songs until I found my it, " this the best song of all time" I said to him as I tilted my screen so he could see. "No way! That is my favourite song too!"........

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: I WANNA SEE SOME ASS
song by: Jack Harlow
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Omg I if you are reading this I appreciate you so so so much, just remember you are so loved. If you have any suggestions or anything please tell me! I love you!!! - Author 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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