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It was one of those fine days where the sun shone brightly and the clouds looked like a puff of cotton candy, ready to disperse into the wind. After so many days of drizzle, the bright ball of yellow above seems to promise more heat as the day progressed.

Seonghwa was walking down the street under the sun that warmed his slightly bronze skin. His hands were deep in his pockets as he made his way to a cafe at the corner of the street.

"Welcome," a barista with a jet black hair greeted him as soon as he heard the door bell rang. The barista smiled when he saw Seonghwa. "You come again today," he said in a cheerful tone.

"This is the only cafe that brewed the best coffee, as far as I can remember," Seonghwa said.

"Of course! We only picked the best coffee beans to satisfy our coffee lovers' customers." The barista smiled wider, and the dimples on his both cheeks dipped dipper.

"That's nice of you, Choi San."

"Oh, you still remember my name!" San's eyes widened and he can't help but to grin wider.

Seonghwa cocked his brow and chuckled. "Why are you so excited about that?"

"It's just...something exciting for me?" San smiled sheepishly. "Oh sorry, I kept you for too long. Would you like your usual coffee?"

"Yes please."

Seonghwa paid for his coffee and took a seat on one of the stools that was facing the large window of the cafe. It was his favourite spot because he can enjoy his coffee while looking at the scenery outside. Nothing special about it; it's the same street that he used to walk to the cafe.

"Here you go. Your iced Mocha." Another tall male barista with a blonde hair came and served the drink to Seonghwa.

Seonghwa glanced at him and smiled. "Thanks, Ming.."

"Yunho. It's Yunho." The blonde barista named Yunho corrected him.

"Right, Yunho. Sorry about that," Seonghwa blushed as he rubbed his nape. "Seems like i have a very bad memory huh?" He chuckled.

"You don't have to rack your brain trying to remember these idiots' names," A guy with a dark blue hair suddenly appeared behind Yunho and took a seat beside Seonghwa. "They're not worth of your memory capacity."

"Hongjoong." The presence of Hongjoong brought a smile to Seonghwa's face.

"Hey! Shut up, shorty!" Yunho rolled his eyes.

"Who are you calling short, you brat! I'm older than you!"

"Yeah, by one year but your brain doesn't grow along with your age and well," Yunho paused as he looked at the older guy in front of him up and down. "Your body."

"Say it again, Jeong Yunho!"

Seonghwa looked at both of Hongjoong and Yunho back and forth before he let out a small laugh. His laughter brought attention as Yunho and Hongjoong stopped bickering and turned to look at him.

"At least we make someone happy here," said Yunho.

"You should go back to your work. Look at San doing all the work himself."

San who was brewing a coffee behind the counter nodded in agreement and pouted at Yunho. The latter rolled his eyes before he resumed his work as a customer just entered the cafe.

Hongjoong shifted his attention back to Seonghwa. "How is it going? Is everything good?"

Seongwa sipped on his Mocha and played with the straw. "Everything is just the same," he answered.

I Don't Love You // Park SeonghwaWhere stories live. Discover now