Bule itu......Romantis

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Hampir 100% orang bilang bule itu romantis, kalo rumusnya demikian berarti aku jangan GR diperlakukan seperti tadi karena mungkin saja beliau melakukan hal yang seperti itu kepada semua perempuan yang sedang dekat denganya.
" Fine, gak bakal GR, ingat aku hanya numpang dan nemenin trus dibayarin pula semua2nya, jadi jangan suudzon, dan ngarep kalo Prof Louis Suka sama aku.

" Prof your towel"
" Thank you, Siti, You're great "
" How about cofee, with or without sugar? "
" a spoon " teriak dari kamar mandinya.
"Room boy " tiba2 datang roomboy membawa sarapan pouch, nasi goreng dan ayam sawir dengan sedikit salad sayur dan 2 botol air mineral plus 2 gelas juice lidah buaya

Keluar kamar mandi, segar terlihat, wow, " Great Cofee, Siti "
Aku hanya senyum, tak aku tampakan bahagia hati ini disanjung terus, bagiku ya, mungkin bagi Prof Louis itu biasa.

"How is Your agenda today, Prof ? "
" Its Sunday , stay with you here, or You wanna go shopping?? lets do "! Semangat nya.
" No, staying here is better, we can go shopping anytime, the mall is beside the Hotel"
" Hmm" Angguknya


15 menit tanpa bicara, " Do You have boyfriend? " " How Long you have been alone? "
" Ten Years, I never have Bf ,Prof"
Prof menaikan alisnya satu seolah tak percaya" Any reason for that? "
" Yups, 1. I love my kids much, 2. Im moslemah , theres no BF in our rule, married and be couple forever"

" Do you think will it be good if married without knowing to each other "
" Of course, it will be best"
" How can it be? "
" I do believe Allah, My God,Lillah. No God except Allah. Allah promises to US, mankind, If I am good woman Allah will give me good man "
Kuhela nafasku sebentar.....
" Prof, You are Genius, You believe in God? "
Tertawa lebar seolah dia berkata "Im so stupid" tawanya menghinaku sepertinya.
" What do you think of me? "
" Atheis ??"
" Agnostic "
Oh, Agnostik adalah Atheis yang memiliki aturan.

" Prof, May I ask privacy question "
" Ok, but not more than 3 questions"
" come on its not class, its room"
" No, 3 is too much for me, you complain so become 2 " .
Uffsss, nyerah, nyerah, nyerah deh...
" Why You not believe in God? "
" Im is I am, world is world, evrything runs on each way. Nature "
" Then How you prove that You are genius? "
" Do many research and inventions "
May I tell you something, Prof?? but please, never offend because of my statement, OK?"
👌, he agrees with me.
As I know, Prof , Actually genius is whether shaped by the times and circumstances ... or the point of a certain man believing in God that he reaches the highest genius ...
the terms are :
1. people learn and then be smart. consious competence

2. people repeat the behavior many times and finally get used to it: unconsious competence.

3. There are people who "seem" never learn, rarely read but can have a deep understanding: supracounsious competence. (But usually people in this stage , have the highest believe to their "God" . Not just a ritual.

" Which one of you? "
" Is it the last question ? , before I answer, I need to ask number 3, give me excact example for that"
" whos the first man in this world, do you think?"
" Adam "
" Why Adam accept that he can live in this space though he knows nothing about the space? "
Prof Louis itu diam dan mengkerutkan dua alisnya.
Kita sama2 tertegun, .......
" Prof, ...."
" My answer for number 3?? , Ok. ok ".
" yeaaaaaa "
gak tahu kenapa professor itu duduk dan mengklick2 HP nya tidak kurang 45 menit dan kemudian....
" Siti, Will you marry me?? " thats the answer of number 3.

Pengsaaaannnnnnnnnn dengernya.

Tante Siti Part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang