New Wings and Your Lost Memory

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Maria met Daniel, the guitarist from COB, at one of their parties. He was charming, good-looking, and seemed to be interested. Maria was still fawning over Ville, and she knew no one would replace him, but she felt yearned for a connection.

"So, what are your goals for the future, your purpose?" Daniel asked her. "For a while now, I came here with a purpose, but that has changed a bit, still thanks to Alexi and my friends, I found it again," Maria said. "I would love to see where it takes you," Daniel said, holding her hand, and making her gush. He would invite her to the movies and buy her presents though she would not accept expensive ones. She did not want to take this too far. Maria's heart was still marked with a red rose "V" in her heart.

Daniel From COB

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Daniel From COB

Diana and Angel encouraged triple dates and wanted Maria to give happiness a chance. As for work, Alexi was a good boss. He gave Maria tasks that were important, but not overly dangerous. Peter had told him that "all women were delicate flowers, and it would be shameful to allow them to get hurt." Maria did not want to slack off, though; she did not want to back off and not do her job.

Even though she was glad not to be forced into a mosh pit, she was soon promoted to having her own team working for Alexi. Maria and the girls and Daniel, Peter, and Alexi were all at a bar, finishing up another successful day. Diana had successful gigs playing her own songs, and Angel had won some awards for her latest film. All in all, everything seemed right.

Her phone vibrated, and she wondered if it was the girls or Alexi, but it could not be he had let her off until Monday. It was Ville, and Maria froze. She had thought that he had erased her number, as she had done with him. Part of her did not want to see it, and part of her did. What should she do? It was just a text.

"I...I need to talk to you...I see though that you are otherwise engaged with your friends, but, I...please...I have no right after all this time..but it's only for a few moments," Ville said over text.

She wanted to deny him. To let go of this love for him. She was reborn again, and here he was somewhere in the bar. Watching her from afar. Diana noticed her reaction and immediately took her phone away. Her expression became aggravated when she saw the message.

"I thought you were done talking to the past," she said a bit angrily. "Not to mention, is this really Ville on the other side?" Diana said suspiciously. "It is that is his private number, only he knows it, and he left me a voicemail once, asking me how I was faring," Maria said. Diana still looked quite out of her comfort zone.

Maria looked at her, ashamed. It was true, she had not contacted him or answered his texts. "I have not made contact, I swear, but please, Diana understand it's impossible for me to tear him away from my heart completely," she said. "He tore you away and kept Sandra," Diana replied. "And he has yet to open his eyes," Angel said she had overheard their discussion. Maria did not want to do this. She would hurt them both and Daniel too.

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