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First things first, a disclaimer:

All characters and settings mentioned and used in this fanfiction rightfully belong to the author of the Nevermoor series, Jessica Townsend; I own only the plot. This fanfiction is purely for the entertainment of myself and others, and to spread the amazingness of the Nevermoor series. It is not for commercial use.


Hi everyone, welcome to my new Nevermoor fanfiction! I really really really love the Nevermoor series, I'm a HUGE fan! And so to spread the absolute Wundrousness of the series I have created a little fanfiction, just for fun. It's based on the holiday seasons because I love love LOVE the prevalence of these in the books. 

Thank you so so much Jessica Townsend for writing such an amazing series!! Nevermoor is my absolute favourite book series and anyone who knows me will know I never shut up about it. Lots and lots of kudos  💕👍😊

 I'll try to keep this author's note short because I know everyone hates reading author's notes (me included). Just a few things you all need to know.

- I'll avoid major Hollowpox spoilers before release in USA (though I suppose by the time more people read this Hollowpox will be out in the USA anyway) but if you're reading this after Oct 27 and haven't read Hollowpox, beware!

- This is not a romance fanfiction; please don't expect there to be romantic Morrijack for example because I just don't write that sort of thing. There will be friendly Morrijack and other ships though :)) I promise.

- I will try my best to 'spread' the characters evenly to suit people, I know different people like and ship different characters so I'll try to do some of everyone.

- The holidays I am planning to do are summer, Hallowmas, Christmas for the moment. If you have any ideas to suggest you can comment them below.

- Pls comment if you have questions, comments etc. but please don't spam the comments section :))

Bon appetit!! Thank you so so so much for reading! :)

Izzy 📚

(Formerly @Elz487936 but got locked out of my account, so this is my new)

Wundrous Times: A Nevermoor FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now