Summer Holidays Part 1

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Morrigan Crow ran headlong through the Wunsoc campus, elbowing her way past scholars both junior and senior. The balmy air plastered several strands of black hair to her forehead, and her feet were starting to ache in their shoes, but she pushed on determinedly, grimacing against the stiff hot wind which swept through the Wundrous Society campus. It was the last day of summer term, and Unit 919 were playing their traditional game of no rules, absolutely free-for-all tag. 

If she hadn't been in such a rush, she would have stopped to admire how Wunsoc was engaging in the summertime spirit even more than Frank's latest, most frivolous summer weekend party (though of course she would never tell him that). The flowers were in full, extravagant bloom and the sun beamed down on the heads of passing scholars. There was an immense feeling of laziness in the atmosphere (which Morrigan could definitely relate to), and the last-day-of-school-term cheerfulness was intense. It was, after, all, Wunsoc weather - just a bit more

Morrigan rounded the corner of Proudfoot House, a mishmash of red bricks rushing past beside her. She was gaining on Mahir and Arch, just a little more, nearly there...

"Gotcha!" exclaimed Morrigan triumphantly, tagging both boys lightly on their shoulders. They turned, groaning in frustration, to see her tapping an impromptu victory dance out on the cobblestones. "Girls win again! Well, girls minus Thaddea." It had been decided that the fighter would join the boys this round, as Morrigan's adeptness at Inferno was increasing by the day (she'd already distracted Hawthorne with a small fire-dragon she'd made fly around Proudfoot House), not to mention Lam's unsurpassed ability to foresee any sneaking-up planned by the other team.

"Not fair," Arch moaned petulantly, though a hint of a smile was dimpling his cheeks. "You guys always win."

"That's 'cause we're the best." Cadence grinned, jogging up to them in long strides, her black braid swinging wildly behind her. She gave Morrigan a cheerful high five which was rather out of character, then moved so they stood back to back. "Whereas you idiots, on the other hand -"

"OI - watch who you're calling an idiot, Blackburn," yelled Thaddea, several times louder than strictly necessary. She approached them from the path opposite, arms crossed firmly over her chest with a ferocious scowl. "I didn't join the boys to be called an idiot, you know - oh, all right, I suppose it is quite funny," she finished, giving in to the contagious laughter that already had Morrigan and the others doubled over. 

Hawthorne and Francis turned the corner of Proudfoot House and came into view then, deep in a discussion which looked slightly one-sided.  

"...and did you see how I jumped the bench, it was like this, hi-yah -"

"Um...I guess so?"

"and then I dodged Thaddea - like..." Hawthorne dropped low, scuttling sideways on the path in some kind of bizarre crabwalk "- that!"

Francis sounded bemused. "But Thaddea's on our team, isn't she?"

"Pfffft, who cares? It was still a brilliant dodge, you have to agree - oh, hey Morrigan!" Hawthorne added, stopping to breathe. He gave her a friendly clap on the shoulder, and they shared a grin. "That fire-dragon was awesome, by the way."

"So awesome that you lost us the game, Hawthorne Swift," Thaddea groaned, leaning against the red bricks to tie her hair into a messy ponytail. "My dad's going to be so disappointed." She sent a fierce glare in Hawthorne's direction as he made a stupid face at Morrigan and Cadence. "You don't understand, this is a matter of principle! Macleods don't just lose games." She looked at the others for support, but they were too busy valiantly trying to hide their silent giggles. "Oh, come on, let's get to Hometrain. I bet Lam and Anah have eaten all the good chocolate biscuits already." She led the group down the path to the station, and Morrigan, Hawthorne, and Cadence fell to the back.

"Hey, I think Frank's organising something big for this weekend," Morrigan told Hawthorne and Cadence. "Some kind of showdown summer party. He said he's made a bet with the proprietor of the Hotel Aurianna about who can get more pictures in the Sentinel. Want to come?"

"A chance to see a huge meltdown from the resident vampire dwarf? I'm in," said Cadence. Her usual sarcastic tone was hidden by an edge of excitement. "Can't wait."

Morrigan nodded. "Cool. What about you, crab crawler?" she asked, nudging Hawthorne.

"What? Yeah, duh. 'Course I want to come!" her best friend said excitedly. "Can I dress up?"

"It's a summer party, not the Hallowmas Eve parade."

"Still. It would be SO COOL if we all came as giant pieces of fruit," he continued as Morrigan and Cadence burst out into laughter. "No, I'm serious! Can you imagine Thaddea in an apple costume, and Mahir can come in a - oh, can we invite all of our unit?"

"Of course."

"Cool. Anah can dress up as a pear. Or, ooh, I know, a peach! Or..." he kept up a stream of costume ideas the whole walk to the station, oblivious to Morrigan and Cadence's incessant giggling. 

When the entire unit regrouped at the Wunsoc station, Morrigan grinned around at her sisters and brothers, loyal for life. Friendship, family, and summer fun. 

It all added up to the perfect way to start the summer holidays.

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