𝐕. the voyage back

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"𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋!" barbossa shouted

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"𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐋!" barbossa shouted.

"trim that sail!" jack yelled.

"slack windward brace and sheets!" barbossa commanded.

"slack windward brace and sheets!" jack ordered.

"haul that pallet line!" barbossa said.

"haul that pallet line!" repeated jack.

barbossa whipped around to jack. "what ARE you doing?" he asked angrily.

"what are YOU doing?" jack replied.

"no, what ARE you doing?" barbossa snarled.

"what are YOU doing?" jack answered.

"no, what ARE you doing?" barbossa said once more.

"what are YOU doing?" jack responded. "captain gives orders on the ship!"

"the captain of this ship is giving orders!" barbossa argued.

"my ship, makes me captain!" stated jack.

"they be my charts," barbossa countered.

"that makes you...chart man!" jack glared at him furiously.

"stow it! the both of you! that's an order! understand?!?" pintel suddenly screamed. off their shocked looks, he smiled nervously. "sorry. i just thought with the captain issue being in doubt, i'd throw my name in for consideration, sorry."

jack and barbossa shuffled up the stairs to the quarterdeck.

"i'd vote for you," ragetti assured pintel.

"me too," bella agreed, patting pintel on the shoulder before following after the captains. she found both of them standing by the wheel. "jack?" she asked.

barbossa stepped away towards the rail.

jack glanced bella's way for a moment, thoughts brewing beneath his eyes. then, without warning, he spun back around and followed barbossa to the rail without a word in her direction.

she frowned at him. he had every right to be upset, of course, but was he going to ignore her for the entire voyage? irritated, she quickly turned around to go below deck.

bella sat by herself on the stairs for some time, letting her mind wander through all of her past choices and mistakes. had she lost him once and for all?

eventually, she felt someone walk up down beside her. she glanced over to see will.

"you left jack to the kraken?" he asked softly.

"he's okay now, it's fine," bella answered, not meeting his eyes.

"why didn't you tell anyone?"

"i couldn't . . ." she hesitantly searched for the right words. "i didn't want to think about it any more than i already had."

"it's all anyone's thought about for the past two months."

"you think i don't know that?" bella stared at him in disbelief. "you think i didn't spend every waking second missing him, regretting what i did?"

will didn't reply.

"believe what you want," she muttered before rising abruptly and heading back up to the main deck.

* * *

a heavy fog settled in along with the night. the dim glow of the pearl's lanterns was the only source of light, moon nowhere to be seen in the black sky.

bella approached the cabin for the heading gibbs wanted. jack and barbossa were both inside, arguing yet again.

"i see you neglected to properly take care of the ship," bella heard barbossa say. he was probably referring to the damage from the battle with the flying dutchman.

"what, this?" came jack's response. "this is ventilation. clear out the stench of the previous occupant. thinking of putting in french doors, actually. i like a bit of cross breeze."

bella opened the door. "heading, captain?" she asked, glancing between jack and barbossa. both of them turned around at the word "captain".

jack straightened his hat and stood up. "two degrees starboard."

bella nodded curtly and began to leave, still beyond frustrated with jack.

"i'm captain of the starboard side!" exclaimed barbossa. she turned back around and raised her eyebrows expectantly. ". . . two degrees starboard. the captain will now take the helm."

both of them hurried towards the door. bella moved out of their way.

"aye, sirs," she said sarcastically, following them out to the overcast main deck.

"aye, sirs," she said sarcastically, following them out to the overcast main deck

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ok sorry i keep saying this, but the next chapter is actually really really really good, so get excited for that. 

also we're #1 in #jacksparrow? um what? thank you sososo much for your support!

hope u enjoyed these two chapters, and i hope u all have an amazing day :) comment & vote!

love, sarah

IN THE ASHES / j. sparrowWhere stories live. Discover now