[Chapter 12]

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"Ar-are we next?" Natsuki whimpered, attempting to hold back a few tears.

"No. I'm not letting that happen. I promise." Thatcher whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder. She nodded, faintly blushing. "..-Alright."


Sienna had followed the two to the room, though found it was blocked. She rubbed her elbow with envy, frowning. Until a knock brought her to a jolt.. a paper slipped beneath the room she was in. Growing curious she picked it up, though instantly dropped it with a wail. "No, no, no!" Sienna flooded out the room, panting.


Nolan found himself leaning on a wall with Jaxon alongside him. The room was deserted, since Jenny and Laney left minutes ago. 

"Hey, uh.." Jaxon started, glancing at the floor. "Since you told me your secret, I'll tell mine." Nolan's blue eyes pricked with interest, as he nodded. "OK."

"Uh, there was this one time.. when I needed money badly, for my mother's medication." He begun. "Um, anyway.. a girl came to me after class-"

Jaxon's POV (14 years old)

I closed my locker, about to head off to my next period, though a frail blonde-haired girl approached me, softly smiling.

"H-hey." She awkwardly starting, taking in a deep breath.

I welcomed her with a wave, though I didn't quite know who she was. "Hi. Can I help you?"

"I heard you can help me with my mental illness." She started, a flash of hope brightened her blue eyes.

She wanted the medicine.. for my sick mother. But I needed it for my mum's medication. It was a stupid choice- but I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Oh, yeah. I do have some medicine." I nodded, pulling out a pack of pills. Her eyes widened with disbelief though gratitude. It broke my heart. The medicine had no effect though. Like I was just about to hand over the medicine that could save my mother.

"It needs payment though." I added

"Yeah, of course!" She nodded, her face cracking into a wide smile of warmth.

It kept going for weeks. She'd give me money, for medicine that didn't even do anything. I was ashamed. But I needed it.. desperately. Until she stopped taking my 'medications'.

I didn't talk to her about it.. I didn't want to.


"I feel guilty." Jaxon ended softly, turning away with shame. "She needed help so bad. Instead I..-" Nolan approached Jaxon with a soft smile. "Hey, it's alright. We all make mistakes in life." He whispered. 

The two silently stared at one another, forming eye contact.

"I-I don't know why, Jaxon.. but I feel like I can trust you." Nolan confessed, rubbing his arm. "Heh, even though we just met." He added, chuckling. "I'm sorry, it's just I-"

Jaxon lifted his chin with a hand, sharing a bright smile. "Hey, it's fine." He giggled. "I feel the same way."

The two leaned closer, their noses touching, their lips-

"Guys!" Hazel sprinted in, pausing towards the sight. "Um.. am I interrupting something?" A look of guilt and awkwardness masked her laughter. Though Nolan shrugged, turning away from Jaxon. "Nope, it's fine." He muttered.

"R-right. Anyways, I need help getting into this room. I couldn't find Natsuki or Haru, soo.."

"Room?" Jaxon questioned, raising an eyebrow.

She nodded. "I think Maggie's stuck in there." Hazel whimpered, her gaze clouding with fear. "And despite of what happened, I'm just worried for her safety." She explained.

"Yeah, sure. We'll help." Nolan nodded, exchanging a glance with Jaxon, who murmured agreement.

The three eventually made it to the room, where they stood in front of a blank door. Hazel banged on it. "Maggie, c'mon. Just talk to me." She pleaded.

"Just leave me alone, Hazel." Maggie snapped.

Nolan turned to Jaxon, seeing this was going no where. "Hey, Jaxon, do you mind if I go look for Laney?" He asked.

"Sure. But please be careful." Jaxon whispered, nodding. The two shared an affectionate moment, before Nolan turned away, exiting the room.

Just as Nolan left, a loud bang came from the room, startling Jaxon and Hazel.

"Wh-what was that?" Hazel squeaked, backing up to Jaxon's side.

"Maggie?!" Jaxon called, his eyes glazed with fear. Determination lightened Hazel's brown eyes, as she spotted a chair. Grasping hold of it, she blindly through it at the door, finding her attempt successful. The door shattered, revealing Maggie.

Maggie backed away from a bed.. where a dead corpse lay.

What happened?

Who was the dead body?!

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