Chapter 23

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Lauren's POV

When Ashton picked me up last night he seemed really upset. I still had no idea what happened. I heard him talking to our mom last night, but I didn't get much of it. It was something about Luke.

I finished tying my hair up into a bun, and walked across the hallway. I knocked on Ashton's door, and I heard feet shuffling. Moments later, a puffy eyed Ashton opened the door.

"What?" He mumbled.

"Can we talk?" I asked him, twiddling with my thumbs.

He nodded, and opened the door wider. Letting me into his room. He sat down on the edge of his bed, and I sat next to him. Me and Ashton were very close, even though there was a 7 year age gap.

"So what's up?" He asked.

Here goes nothing. "Ashton, are...are you cutting yourself?"

He stayed silent, typically when he was silent it mean yes. Tears began pooling in my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry." He croaked.

"Don't be sorry. Please don't do it again?" I pleaded.

He nodded, and kissed me forehead. "I love you Ash."

"I love you too Lauren." He said, hugging me tighter.

Arias POV

It has been 2 months since the car crash, meaning it was already January 2016. Luke is still in a coma. Most nights I would spend sleepless, with Lucy in Luke's spot on the bed.

Right now, I was going to visit Luke with Lucy. I had just picked her up from school. Kids still continued to mess with her. But for the most part they didn't. I had called every single one of those parents and said. "If your child continues messing with Lucy, I will seriously fuck you up." Then I hung up.

Lately, I've been so stressed. To the point where I've stopped eating and barely sleep. I also have to take care of three kids on my own. It's just so difficult. All I ever really do is cry now.

We arrived at the hospital, and Lucy took my hand as we walked in. I checked in at the desk and we made our way to Luke's room.

I was about to open the door when Lucy's hand stopped me. "Can I talk to him alone for a minute?"

I nodded and she walked in, closing the door behind her. I leaned up against the door, and closed my eyes, breathing in and out.

"Hi Lukey." I heard Lucy's voice say. "I miss you a lot. And so does Aria. And so everybody else. We need you to wake up. Aria is always crying, it makes me really sad. I try not to cry in front of her. Calum says I need to be strong. So I am. Please wake up. I love you."

She walked back out, and we both walked inside this time. I sat down in my usual chair, and Lucy sat in my lap. "It's okay to cry Lucy." I told her.

She looked up at me, and there were tears already falling down her face. "I miss Luke." She cried.

"I know, I do too." I said, trying to refrain myself from crying.

I held Luke's hand, and rubbed my thumb against it. Lucy cried into my shoulder and I just stared at his lifeless looking body.

"Please wake up." I mumbled, tears falling slowly from my eyes.

About an hour later, Ashton came in. "Hey." He smiled sadly at me.

"Hi Ash." I replied.

"You want me to take her." He motioned to the sleeping Lucy who was cuddled into my chest.

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