Chapter 13

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Today was the first dragon pack meeting with the new dragon slayers. There were two new dragon slayers in the pack. Viper and Funnet said that they had something to say before their hang out/meeting officially began. The others wondered what it was about. When they got there Viper and Funnet were already there.

"Before the meeting officially begins we would like to say something"said Funnet.
Viper then got up to continue on what they were going to say.
"Bryan Divil the fire dragon slayer has returned to Alantide"started Viper, "we ran into him at the docks and said that Mario and Colin will explain all what happened durning the time he was missing"finished Viper.
Mario and Colin's faces paled while Bleak and Seek were confused.

Allomus explained to the newbies who Bryan was. Everyone turned to Mario and Colin for answers. They had no idea where to begin. They heard the voice of their parents telling them to start from the beginning. So they did.
"What we're about to tell you is 100% true, Welcome to Origins Of Olympus"said Mario.

He begun the story when he was chased to camp by the Yeti. Mario and Colin took turns telling the story. They others were completely dumbfounded by this.
"Nah there's no way that's true!"said Seek.
In response Mario through a lightning bolt at him and Colin splashed him with water.

"Can you change into a poler bear?" Bleak asked.
"I don't like to do this but fine"said Colin irritated.
Colin turned into a baby poler bear and said rear. Bleak squealed like a little girl and picked him.
"Hand me him, I want to hug him to death"said Funnet.
Colin had the most depressed face you could see on a poler bear.

The older dragon slayers laughed at their brother's misfortune.
"Why did you with held this information?" Allomus asked.
"All of us at camp made a silent pact to never bring things up that happened in camp outside of camp and if we saw each other we would pretend not to know each and ignore who ever you saw"replied Mario.
"But as you could see that didn't workout"added Colin.

Mario and Colin spent the rest of the meeting answering questions. Most of the time Colin was a bird. He was asked repeaedly on why he was a bird but he didn't answer. Allomus couldn't really believe the fact that the random girl he met on the streets was the goddess of dragons. With her on their side they could surely do more then win the war in Maina's world. They could bring peace amoung all tbe dragons.

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