chapter 1

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late fall actually, the trees outside jake's window have all already lost their leaves and it's still dark outside. jake sighs and gets back underneath the warm covers of his bed and unlocks his phone. the first thing he sees is photos from a party last week, posted by a guy from school. sunghoon is in the photo, and so is the guy sunghoon kissed at that same party. while they were still dating, yes. it was bound to happen.
jake sighs and gently throws his phone to the side.
their relationship had been unstable from the start- no, not really. from the middle? the start had been great. they had been glued together, gone on dates, spent countless days just in bed laughing at memes and videos. then sunghoon out of the blue broke up with him, then apologized. they started dating again. then the same thing happened once more. from then the relationship had been fine.
yeah, fine until last week when a girl from their class had been throwing a birthday party, the whole school was going and people from the high school like 30 minutes outside of town were coming too. needless to say it was a big thing, it had been the talk of the school the whole week prior. jake had been planning to go, had picked out an outfit and everything. then his parents decided they were visiting his grandparents in australia over the weekend as his grandmother got a stroke and was hospitalized.

flying to australia on friday and flying back home on sunday had been incredibly stressful and jake was a tired wreck going to school monday morning. living in a small town, where everyone knows everyone and everything about everyone the events of the party reached his ears faster than light travels. not that fast, but in 6 minutes after walking through the school gate. pretty fast. his heart dropped even faster. he did a pretty great job at holding back his confusion and heavy heart when asked about it.
"wait did sunghoon kiss sunoo while dating you? or did you guys break up? i dont remember" his boyfriend's friend jay had laughed,
"you guys break up and get together so much i dont even remember."
jake just laughed along, played it off. he wanted to sink through the ground.
he looked for sunghoon the whole school day to confront him about it, but he never got a glimpse of him.

as jake was walking home that day, around 5 pm, yes he remembers the time. the sun had already gone down, the streets were dark and the only source of light was the on life support lamp posts and the occasionally passing by cars headlights. harsh winds was making his hair dance and cheeks blossom as he fished out his phone from the pocket of his jacket. he had been planning to wait with calling until he got home but quickly scrolled through his contacts to "my penguin" he had grinned at the contact picture he had set for sunghoon, a kind of unflattering picture taken from a lower angle before calling. it took some time for sunghoon to answer and jake could clearly hear his boyfriend was hungover and probably just woke up. it made him a bit annoyed, sunghoon sounding so careless into the phone.
jake felt all the emotions he had surpressed the whole day washing over him at once. anxiety, anger, confusion and just pure sadness.
"hi," jake's fingers holding the phone were trembling and red from the cold as he spoke.
"i heard what happened."
it was quiet, sunghoon wasn't saying anything. jake's walking came to a halt. his teeth were troubling his chapped bottom lip as he adjusted his grip of the phone in his hand. his eyes stung. he wasn't going to start crying, sunghoon hadn't even said anything yet. the rumours might not even be true, people love to talk shit after all.
"you know, what you did."
sunghoon groaned into the phone,
"fuck. fuck, jake, i'm so sorry, fuck- i was drunk, really fucking drunk it didnt mean anything at all. hello? it was just a kiss, i love you, you know that right?" sunghoon's rapid rambling went on and on but jake wasn't listening anymore. his hand with his phone dropped to the side. it was silent. he stood completely still. jake's mind was completely blank. he had really believed it wasn't true, he was so fucking naive. the call ended all on its own. jake cried all the way home.

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