chapter 3

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the cold hit jake like a truck the moment he stepped out the door, winter was definitely on its way. he had dressed up a little extra today, wearing a wine red button down, black trousers and a black coat.
these hockey games were a big thing in their town, people, hockey fans or not, celebrated their team's wins. the oppositing team coming to play were said to be good and people were arguing back and forth betting on which team would win.
jake checked his phone. 15 minutes until the game would start. he checked his social medias , thumbs freezing, while waiting for his friends to pick him up.
soon enough, a red car stopped outside his house and jake quickly hopped in, next to ej.
"you have to slam the door or it won't shut." heeseung looked back at him.
"your car is like 3 seconds from falling apart." jungwon said from the front, laughing.
jake snorted and slammed the door shut.

they arrived at the hall a few minutes late and the guys were already warming up on the ice. the stands were almost full. their team's cheering squad on the left, dressed in red. the oppositing team's on the right, dressed in yellow. it was loud, both squads trying to out-cheer the other.
jake followed the other guys up on the stands, greeting some familiar faces and took a seat next to some guys they knew.

"it's been a while!" youngbin smiled and went in for an awkward sitting down hug.
"yeah, what have you been up to? i've barely seen you around." jake ran a hand through his hair and smiled.
"youngbin's been to busy being famous! you know he's modeling and shit now right? traveling and shit." a way too drunk guy named seon chimed in.
"no no, just a couple brand collaborations, nothing serious like that."  he gestured with his hands as he spoke.
"really? i'm glad it's going well for you!" jake smiled and hit him lightly on his shoulder and turned to watch the guys on the ice talk to their coach.
sunghoon's jersey had the number 8 on the back. the music in the hall stopped playing and the cheers died down as the match was starting. the players got into their positions. sunghoon played centre midfielder, as usual. jake had played left defender when he was on the team. he always stood behind sunghoon, always had that number eight right in front of him. until the match would start, that is. then, sunghoon would be out of his view in less than a second. going after the puck like his life depended on it. he would score and people would cheer and wave their red scarves from the stands. generally, people think that the forward players are the coolest but jake had loved to defend. there was nothing quite like the moment when an oppositing player would come real close, shoot their shot. the crowd would hold their breath, time would slow down. complete silence. then jake would sweep in, send that puck right back, and the crowd would go nuts. his pulse as well.

2-1 to the opposite team, the crowd dressed in yellow cheered at the top of their lungs, waving their scarves, flags and hats. anything they brought with them  really.
"c'mon get those fuckers!" seon yelled, getting awfully red in the face. from the alcohol? from the anger? a mix of both.
"dude chillax." ej laughed, "do you need go to the toilet?"
"man shut up, i made a bet with my dad about the beer in our basement." seon sulked.
"i don't think you need to drink a single drop more." 
"jakey please come to the toilet with me." seon stood up.
"so you did need to go to the toilet." ej mused.
jake looked at him, puzzled.
"why? ej can go with you."
"i don't want to go with ej, he's annoying."
ej brought his hand to his chest.
"excuse me?"
"youngbin wants to go with you." jake patted said boy's back and grinned.
"what? no, no. i'm watching the game." youngbin said, swatting him away.
"heeseung wants to go with you." jake pointed at him, sitting a row below them.
"no come on now, i'm boutta piss my pants." seon pulled him up by the arm.
jake sighed in defeat. fine.

the walk to the toilets were exhausting. jake had to keep a firm hold of seon who was wobbling in every possible direction.
"okay, get in there now," jake pushed him into the stall.
"watch the piss on the floor, don't slip on it and hit your head on the toilet bowl."
"real funny."
seon pulled down his pants.
"dude close the fucking door!" jake laughed and kicked it shut.
seon laughed from inside the stall and jake could practically hear him wobbling around and hitting the walls.
"you're too drunk to stand, sit down on the toilet. are you even aiming right?"
"there's piss all over the floor."
"yes, i told you so."
"i'm not hitting it."
"not a single drop landed in the toilet."
jake felt his knees go weak from laughing.
"you better clean that shit up."

jake dramatically flung himself onto a chair near the toilets and threw his head back.
"c'mon dude let's go back, we'll miss the whole match."
seon kicked jake's foot and almost lost his balance in the process.
"dude. i've cleaned up your whole mess. let me rest for three minutes, that's all i ask." just as jake's words left his mouth loud roaring erupted from the hall.
jake bolted out of his chair.


they were in the lead with 15 minutes of the game left as jake and seon took their seats again.
"you guys were gone for so long, what the hell did you do?" youngbin looked at him.
"seon- actually nevermind, what's going on here? 2-3?" jake asked.
"yeah, sunghoon scored."
damn. jake missed it.
"who else?" he asked.
"sunghoon scored twice."
"no way!" jake covered his mouth in surprise.
"as expected of our sunghoon, the star of the team!" seon shouted and pumped his fist in the air.

the few minutes left of the game passed by quickly, no further points were scored and they'd won.
jake watched sunghoon skate over to his coach and pick up a waterbottle. suddenly, he felt a push from his left. he looked up to see seon standing on his seat and youngbin desperately trying to pull him down by his coat, bumping into him in the process.
"party at my fucking house! everyone is invited!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
"come down, ohmygod, you're crazy." youngbin screeched while ej was pretending not to know them.

they met up with heeseung and jungwon as they exited the building. they'd gotten separated amongst the flock of people earlier.
jake got reminded how cold it was outside and wrapped his coat around him. it was only 6 pm, yet it had already gotten so dark outside.
"so, party at seon's house?" heeseung asked while shivering.
"yes, that's the plan." ej replied with seon leaning onto him for support.
"i got my car, so we'll meet up there? jake you coming with us?" heeseung looked at him.
"nah, i think i have to help ej with this dude." he pointed at seon while letting out a small laugh.

they arrived at seon's house and seon fumbled with the keys to the door.
"let me do that," ej sighed and grabbed the keys and swiftly unlocked the door.
they stepped into the hallway. seon led them into the living room and grabbed a remote from the couch and pressed it.
"wow, it's pretty! you did this all by yourself?" jake exclaimed, looking around.
fairy lights hung from the ceiling along with led stripes stuck around the ceiling and at the back of some furniture, blinking in different colors.
"yeah, i spent my whole morning decorating this. it was hell, the led stripes kept falling off and i kept putting them back up. i was sweating and yelling all by myself." seon laughed.
"what would you have done if we didn't win the match?" ej asked.
"well then it would've been a comfort party instead of a celebrating party. i was going to throw a party regardless." seon chuckled and continued.
"- anyways, we'll need to carry the alcohol from the basement to the kitchen, can you guys do that while i put away some rugs and shit i don't want destroyed?"
"sure thing, boss."
jake took off his coat and they got started.

damm... is it really an update???? or r you guys hallucinating????? idk man
i changed some minor stuff
also next chapter will finally have some jakehoon action like yall been waiting for ig
peace out ✌🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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