Chapter one

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A/n: hello so just a reminder these aren't gonna be the exact same as the books, certain lines and storylines will be different of course so don't come for me!!! lol enjoy (based in their sixth year btw)

7am on a Monday morning never felt so exciting as Vienna was finally back at Hogwarts after what felt like one hundred years of Summer. Her parents were muggles and she was forced to spend the whole break in Scotland with her dreadfully boring Grandparents for a 'holiday' but it certainly did not feel like one. She couldn't help but feel extremely jealous that Hermione, Harry and Ron had spent the last few weeks of their summer together of at the burrow. She had never been to the burrow before she had only heard stories of the intense quidditch matches played in the garden, the hilarious pranks Fred and George would play on everyone and just how unusual and magical Ron's family home was. Even just being near Ron for the Summer seemed like bliss. Vienna had had a crush on Ron for as long as she could remember but she wouldn't dare to tell him. It was pretty obvious she was in love with him but Ron was oblivious to practically everything, and it wasn't as if he liked her back. Yes they listened to muggle music together that Vienna would show Ron and they were the best of friends but it was apparent Ron didn't see her for anything more than that. Friends.

Alas she was still happy to be back in the Great Hall eating a delicious full english breakfast before setting off for her lessons. She sat with her three best friends, Hermione, Harry and Ron. Hermione was the brightest witch in their year, and most likely the bravest, she was so talented at spells, she read her way through the whole wizarding world and appeared to know everything despite being a muggle-born, she had thick bushy hair with a button nose and a beautifully pretty face. Seated next to her was Harry Potter. He was practically the most famous student at Hogwarts, he was the chosen one, the boy who lived, the boy on all the headlining daily prophets basically. He had dark black hair with heavenly green eyes, his eyes were decorated with his signature circular rimmed glasses. Sitting across from the pair was Ronald Weasley, The tall, lanky, freckly red haired boy. He was a pure blooded wizard but his family were known blood traitors so they were deemed "just as bad". Vienna Humphrey was sitting next to Ron, scraping out the contents of her hard boiled egg. Vienna was a rather bright witch as well as Hermione but being best friends with her meant she was often overshadowed, nonetheless she was still just as brave and courageous as the other three. Vienna had dark doughy brown eyes and sharp pointed features on her face, her thick dark hair covered her pretty face. The four sixteen year olds were almost inseparable, they had been through thick and thin together, often helping Harry out of trouble with various dark wizards. Now entering their sixth year at Hogwarts and  with Voldemort at large they knew it was not going to be an easy year...
"Oh my goodness I almost forgot to ask how did you do in your O.W.Ls?" Hermione asked through a mouthful of toast.
Vienna smiled widely, placing the egg down after almost forgetting pretty much the only highlight of her summer, receiving her exam results.
"Six O's and three E's"
Ron and Harry opened their mouths jokingly in shock at the news.
"Bloody hell you almost beat Hermione."
Hermione gave Ron a piercing look then turned to Vienna.
"That's brilliant! See boys Vienna actually used her study plan I gave you all, perhaps if you put some use to it you could've gotten some results more like hers!"
Harry and Ron rolled their eyes at her and went back to shovelling up their food.

After a few minutes of the four rambling on about their summer's McGonagall, wearing her velvet green robes with a pointed black witches hat, scurried over passing out timetables to the Gryffindors.
"Here you are Potter, Weasley, excellent results by the way Miss Granger,"
Hermione beamed at the Professors praise while examining her time table intricately before Harry pestered McGonagall,
"Umm Professor, it says here I have potions this morning but I got an E on the exam, Snape said I needed an O,"
"That's when Professor Snape was the potions teacher but now Slughorn is, I can remove it if you like perhaps I take that becoming an Auror is no longer your ambition?"
"Oh no! No it still is, thank you professor."
"Congratulations on making quidditch captain Potter, I expect you to organise try outs soon, come to my office if you have any queries."
Harry smirked again after thanking her and looked back at the piece of parchment hopefully. Vienna had tried out for the quidditch team herself last year as a chaser but failed to get on but this year she was excited as there was a good chance she would be joining the Gryffindors on the pitch. Vienna had been pretty good at flying herself, after taking a few lessons in her first year she was clearly a natural.

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