Chapter Two

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The rest of the week wasn't too eventful. Homework, working, studying with Hermione in the library, walks around the grounds with the other two. Vienna was certain Hogwarts was the best place on earth. The ambience of the lake and the forest, the cackling fire and chatter of students in the common room. The masses of fascinating people you met in classes and the owlery, but also home to the best sport on earth, (in Vienna's opinon) qudditch.

Harry had organised try outs to be on the Saturday and Vienna had been practising every day after school with Ron and Harry. Ron had  already been on the team last year as keeper, he infamously was rather rubbish but still managed to win the cup. Harry was kicked off the team by non other than Umbridge but was more determined than ever to be a great captain for Gryffindor. Harry was rather bossy on the pitch, yelling at Vienna to control her broom properly so she didn't keep swinging it out, and ordering her to be rougher when attempting to score. Hours were spent outside, a few familiar faces were there too. Ginny Weasley and Dean Thomas were our practising together, both wanting to be chasers. They had been going out since the start of the summer, much to Ron's loathing. Vienna thought them to be quite a cute couple but she knew she had to beat one of them if she wanted a spot on the team.

Saturday rolled around as quick as ever, feeling sick to her stomach with nerves, Vienna barely ate breakfast.
"Come on now you have to eat if you want to perform well."
Harry pestered, placing a piece of toast on her plate.
"I'm totally rubbish there's no way I'm getting on the team."
"Oh be quiet Vienna, I've seen you out there you're superb! Now don't tell anyone I said this but I think you have a very good chance of beating out Dean Thomas, he's not nearly as good as you are."
Hermione winked.
"Dean and Ginny are like the dream couple though aren't they? There's no denying Ginny's getting on the team after last year."
Hermione smirked again leaning in to whisper,
"I doubt they're Harry's dream couple though,"
The two girls glanced up at Harry who was staring right at Ginny, mesmerised he spilt some orange juice down his chin. The pair giggled, easing up Vienna's nerves. Hermione was right, Harry had a pretty obvious crush on Ginny which might be a reason to not put Dean on the team, however biased that may be.

Ron and Vienna stood next to each other on the pitch, both overcome with nervousness, the cool September air brushing down their necks. There were many people at try outs, Romilda Vane, a younger girl with bushy dark hair who was admiring Harry,
"I don't reckon it's the quidditch she's here for"
Vienna thought to herself dreamily.
Katie Bell was standing confidently near the edge of the circle of players, she had been on the team for years being a seventh year and was very good, almost better than Harry. It was between her and Harry on team captain duty but she was a remarkably kind girl and had congratulated Harry several times. Dean and Ginny stood together, Ginny looked great, her blazing red hair flapping in the wind, Dean looked a bit less confident, he knew Ginny was way more likely to get on the team than he was. Cormac MacLaggen, the big beefy boy was standing beside Ron and Vienna, he was very cocky and was as arrogant as ever.
"I'm going for keeper too Weasley, don't take it too personal."
He cooed, patting Ron roughly on the shoulder, causing him to shake. Cormac sauntered off to line up to try out.
"Bloody hell, I've no chance now."
Ron seemed to go even paler than he already was.
"Hey don't worry we'll be fine, I'm sure of it."
Vienna wasn't too certain if she was trying to convince Ron herself but either way it didn't seem to work.

Harry had them all line up and watch each other play, Ginny was first up, zooming around the pitch, scoring seven times against some fourth year keeper who was as hopeless as ever.
"That's one position gone already."
Vienna thought, making her stomach churn even more. Next keeper up was MacLaggen and Dean as chaser, Dean wasn't too good, his aim was off and he wasn't as swift as Ginny was. Although MacLaggen was rather good, he saved almost every single one, Ron audibly groaned as MacLaggen swaggered away as he stepped off his broom. Ron was up next, Vienna grabbed his arm before he went up, his arm was much larger and muscular than she remembered, causing her face to flush red,
"Good luck."
She said sternly, forgetting what she was originally going to say. He must have been working out over the summer...
Ron played very well, in fact he didn't let in a single goal! That was better than MacLaggen surely. Vienna glanced around to see a look of disgust on Cormac's face, causing her to form a cheeky grin. As Ron hopped off his broom looking rather chuffed, he looked to Vienna.
"Good luck."
He mouthed from afar, adding a wink. Vienna beamed brightly, now seemingly much more confident.

Vienna threw her leg around her broom and soared up into the sky, a rather large seventh year was playing keeper, uh oh. Harry flung the quaffle in the air without warning, but before she could even tell herself, Vienna swooped down and grabbed it, throwing it harshly into the left hoop, the keeper was caught by surprise and hadn't gotten to the hoop quick enough. There was light cheering from the stands as Hermione clapped and hooted. Again and again Harry threw up the quaffle as Vienna snatched it and threw into each hoop, remembering what Harry had told her as she made sure to not fling the end of her broom outwards and to keep her turns sharp. By the end even Harry was cheering, forgetting he wasn't supposed to be prejudice. As Vienna got off of her broom and made her way towards Ron, without warning he was hugging her tightly.
"That was brilliant Vee!"
She was taken by such surprise, her cheeks flushed red again.
"Thank you, but you! You were amazing as well!"
Ron rolled his eyes playfully as he let go of Vienna.
"Ah it was nothing."
The pair laughed loudly forgetting the try outs were still ongoing.
It was such a blissful moment. Vienna's face was still cold to the touch, and she was rather freezing but it didn't matter now Ron had hugged her, called her by his nickname for her and most importantly she really did do well. A couple minutes later Harry announced that the positions would be hung up in the common room later that day. Alright here we go...

The crowds of students surrounded the notice board in the Gryffindor tower as they all pushed and shoved to have a look at the new team. Ron and Vienna were trying to bustle their way through the wave of second years. Ginny was beaming brightly, no doubt why, but Dean looked rather stone faced as Ginny embraced him.
"Sorry Dean."
She whispered airly though she was still smiling secretly. This gave Vienna a sense of urgency, finally she got to the page and read out the list.

Gryffindor Quidditch Team 1996-97
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Ritchie Coote
Jimmy Peakes
Ginny Weasley
Katie Bell
Vienna Humphrey

Vienna's heart skipped a hundred beats.
"Oh my god!"
She squeaked turning to Ron who's mouth was forming an O shape.
"Oh my god!"
He echoed turning to Vienna and grabbing her tightly. His hands snaked around her waist as she flung her arms around his neck, hugging him excitedly. She could smell his familiar scent and could feel herself blushing again. They retracted from their embrace and turned to Harry who was smiling widely. Ron and Vienna hurried forwards and hugged him again.
They repeated over and over.
Harry chuckled lightly,
"Stop it or people are gonna think I'm biased!"
The three laughed as Hermione strolled over leaving her homework on her table.
"Congratulations you two, but now who'll be my study partner!"
She joked nudging Vienna in the ribs.
Vienna had not been as happy as she was in forever, She beamed for the whole day, radiating happiness everywhere she went. Practise started Tuesday night, and she couldn't be more excited.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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