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Kanan Jarrus: Age 26

Ezra Bridger: Age 19

Season 4

No ones POV

"He belongs to us now!!" Kanan smirked while possessed by a Night Sister..

"No! Give him back!! Take me instead! I'm the one you want! Let him go!" Ezra got teary.

"If you prove stronger!!" Kanan jumped down and pulled out his saber, fighting Ezra.

Ezra kicked him away. "Kanan! Please!!" His sapphire eyes widened as he felt a pain in his chest, a massive pressure. His adrenaline at an all time high, as though he had just numbed himself to only feeling a slight dull instead of something worse. He was too afraid to look down, he felt weak, he wanted to keep going, he observed his lover who was staring at him in fear. The Night Sister leaving his body to watch her work, smirking at the two.

"Ezra.." Kanan quickly pulled his saber away and set it on his belt, picking Ezra up carefully and ran out of the cave, yelling for Sabine. "Sabine! Sabine!"

The Mandalorian looked over at her brothers and paled, running to the jedi when they exited the cave and started barking orders to Kanan. "Place him on the ground and begin to put pressure onto the wound, he needs to have pressure, stop the bleeding. I will be right back with a medical kit." She looked over at Ezra one last time before running to the transport in question.

Kanan placed both of his hands over the wound, he got teary and bit his lip preventing himself from crying.

Ezra weakly looked up at his lover and placed his shaky hand on his lovers cheek. "K-Kanan.."

"No Ezra, you will be just fine, don't do anything. Keep your eyes open and you'll make it." Kanan looked down at him and let a few tears fall.

Ezra winced, feeling the pain. "Kanan.." He said more sternly. "I love you, so much..this is not your fault do you hear me?"

Kanan sniffled and nods a little. "It wasn't my fault..It's not my fault."

"Thank you.." Ezra smiled. "Please don't trap yourself, please never blame yourself as I go." He winced.
"I will always be with you Kanan, I love you so much." He took his last breath, empty eyes staring at nothing.

Kanan paled. "Ezra!"


Kanan gasped and woke up, sitting up in his shared bed with Ezra, he held his chest, breathing rapidly. It took a few moments before he started to calm his body down, his heart rate beginning to go back to a normal pace. Once he was able to get a grip on his surroundings and what had just occurred, he looked over at Ezra who was peacefully asleep in bed.

He smiled gratefully, sighing in relief knowing that it was only a nightmare. He sighed and reached down, placing a soft kiss to Ezras cheek and looked up at their holo clock. He grumbled in annoyance. "0400 hours..?" He got up slowly, quietly making his way to their master bathroom. He turned the light on and closed the door so he wouldn't wake Ezra and looked into the mirror, his eyes their normal teal color, surrounded with his scar, his hair a short length, but longer then it was when he cut it. He knew Ezra liked his short hair so he decided to keep it and just keep it nice and tidy so he would look presentable. He was wearing a white pajama shirt with a pair of red plaid pajama pants.

He could see the sleep deprivation in his eyes, but he knew that no matter what he did he hasn't been able to sleep a full 6 hours. The nightmares getting worse and worse every other night. He was absolutely exhausted. He knows he should tell Ezra but he doesn't want to worry him.

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