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Ezra Bridger: Age 18

Kanan Jarrus : Age 23

Sabine Wren : Age 19

Season 3

No ones POV

Ezra screamed as Sabine flew up in her jetpack while holding onto Ezra. "Woah!" He held onto her as she flew towards an opening in the ground, revealing a river.

Ezra went pale, looking up as Gar Saxons goons started shooting at them, he pulled out his saber and began deflecting the shots before Sabine went down low towards the water. "Too low! Too low!" His boots touched the water before Sabine went to the side of the mountain causing Ezra to run on the mountain. He panicked and deflected a bolt and lost focus for a second. Sabines jet pack was shot and she struggled to get to the mountain, looking down at Ezra. "Hold on!" She struggled to hold Ezra up and focus on getting to Safety.

"It's okay Sabine!" Ezra panicked a little and looked up, he went pale when he saw that Sabine was losing grip and let him go.

Ezra couldn't scream, he was thrown right into the side of the canyon. He groaned as he heard a few bones crack and how difficult it became to breathe, he fell from the side of the canyon into the river that laid below, a calm river.

Sabine panicked. "Ezra!" She yelled over the side of the canyon. "No, no no no no." She got teary, looking back at Gar Saxon and then looked up as the Phantom 2 came into view, shooting at Gar Saxon who looked up and panicked, flying away in his jetpack. "Mark my words Sabine Wren, you and that traitor Fenn Rau will lose..just like your friend did." He laughs, flying off with his jetpack.

Fenn walked out, looking around. "Wheres Ezra?"

Sabine ran past him with Chopper and looked back at Fenn. "GET IN!" She closed the hatch and flew down next to the river. "Chopper where is he?!" She put her helmet back on and ran to the river with Chopper.

'He's over there!' He beeped and pointed to the off center of the river, he was on the other side in the river.

Sabine nods and jumped right in after taking her helmet off, she swam down towards the unconscious male and panicked. She picked him up and swam as quickly as she could towards the surface, she dragged Ezra to Choppers side. "His lips are blue! He's not breathing!" She knelt down by him and panicked. "Come on Ezra."

Chopper did a scan. 'You can't do CPR! His ribs are broken, you'll puncture a lung.' Chopper checked over. 'He has a pulse, but its weak, way too weak Sabine. We need to work fast or he won't last the next few minutes.'

Sabine panicked and grabbed him, placing Ezra into the phantom. "Get us to the Ghost, now!" She ordered.

Fenn went right to the pilots chair and flew towards the Ghost.

Sabine got teary, grabbing the first aid kid and found a CPR mask. "Perfect!" She began using it on the male. "Please Ezra, Please.." She got teary. "Chopper check for a pulse!"

Ezra started coughing, turning to the side and threw up the river water. He fell back in exhaustion. He tried to keep his eyes open as Sabine tried to comfort him and keep him awake.

"Ezra, were almost there. We have to make it okay? Kanan needs you..we all need you. Fight it brother..fight it.." She got teary.

Ezra collapsed on the floor, squeezing Sabines hand weakly slowly letting go.

Sabine squeezed back and looked up, now in full blown panic. "Are we there yet!?"

Fenn connected to the Ghost and nods. "Get him down to safety."

Sabine grabbed her comm. "PREP A MEDBAY!" She picked Ezra up bridal style and eased down the ladder carefully with the help of Chopper.

Kanan ran over and went pale. "E-Ezra..?" He looked as Sabine ran to the medbay, following right behind her. Sabine looked at Kanan. "Hera and I got it, go sit down and Chopper can fill you in on everything." The medbay door closed, leaving the blind jedi to himself.

The lasat placed his furry hand on Kanans shoulder. "The kid'll be alright Kanan, come on. Lets get you some tea." He led the jedi into the kitchen and gently sat him down at the table. He grabbed a cup and poured hot water into it with a tea bag. He let it set and placed it in front of Kanan. "Here you go."

Kanan looked up and nods a little. "Thanks Zeb.." He took a sip, only able to think about Ezra.

Zeb sat down and looked as Chopper rolled over.

"Chopper what happened..?" Kanan frowned.

The droid played a recording of Ezra hitting the side of the canyon at high speeds and then fall into the river.

Kanan went pale. "How long was he in the river..?"

'3 minutes, 29 seconds.' Chopper beeped sadly.

Kanan panicked. "He's not gonna survive the night, he's not gonna survive the night..." Was all the jedi could say. He felt a few tears fall, he didn't think he could cry..but here he was crying for his lover who most likely won't survive the night.

Zeb rubbed Kanans back. "He will make it Kanan." He looked at Chopper. "Fenn Rau back in his cell?"

Chopper beeped in affirmation. 'Yes'

"Good.." Zeb frowned, looking at his comm as Ezra turned his on to contact him. "It's Ezra.."

Kanan got up, running to the medbay. "Ezra..?" He walked in slowly and frowned. "Honey..?" He knelt down by his lover.

Sabine and Hera smiled. "It's gonna be a few weeks of strict bed rest, but he'll be okay." They sat on the couch next to Ezras bed.

Ezra squeezed Kanans hand, opening his eyes about a half an inch and looked over at Kanan. "Mm."

Kanan got teary and kissed Ezras forehead. "You're okay.."

Zeb smiled. "Good to see you're doing better kid." He looked at the females. "What was wrong with him?"

Kanan looked up, then looked at Ezra. "Rest, I will be right here.." He smiled comfortingly. "Just get some rest.." He watched Ezra fall back asleep.

Hera checked through the data. "What wasn't? So much was wrong..we don't know how he survived.." She sighed and wiped her eyes tiredly. "He had a punctured lung, three broken ribs, major concussion, broken nose, fractured hip, he was exposed to so many parasites we think that when he passed out in the water he swallowed so much water and it was infested with the buggers, that's why he has a feeding tube. We had to pump his stomach to try and get as many as we could out.."

"Were you guys able to get them all out?" Kanan looked up at them.

Sabine nods. "It took extra time, but they were wiped out."

Kanan sighed. "He's gonna be okay though, right?"

Hera nods and smiled. "Few weeks of strict bed rest and he'll be back to normal in no time."

Kanan felt his body relax. "Thank you.." he whispered. "Can I be alone with him..?"

They nod and left the medbay, giving the couple some time alone.

Kanan kissed the top of Ezras head and sighed. "You heard her, strict bed rest. And don't think I am gonna get you out of it, you are going to sit in that bed the whole time until Hera looks at me and tells me that you can get up. Until then love, you're stuck." He smiled, sighing softly, he felt Ezra squeeze his hand one more time before he let go. Kanan looked down at his lover, sensing he was asleep and relaxed. "Okay.." He got teary and quickly took his mask off, wiping his tears. "I didn't think you would make the night, what would've I done? I can't..I know you would still be with me, I know I tell you all the time that people die but we never really go..but I can't, I can't lose you yet..not for a long time. Please, please honey. You need to be more careful, I don't know what I would do if I just get a message that says you died on a mission...I.." He choked a little. "You're a part of me can't just leave me yet, not for a long long time. Get some rest." He kissed his forehead and rested his head next to Ezras side, resting on his arms and slowly fell asleep.

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