••Final Chapter•• From The Start

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Sorry for the delay guys, I was just being lazy lel. I wasn't very active on Instagram either because I just had a lazy week lol.


It has been a day and they finally let Seamus go back home. Though he was limping he told the doctor he was okay like this. I wanted to help him but he didn't want me to carry all of his weight if he accidentally falls. So Nick Dan had to hold him.

Ashley drove us to my house, in my moms car, to make sure Seamus gets some more rest.

I told her where she should park and she did just that. "Thanks, uhm. You can borrow the car, you know where I live so you can return it" I told the girl who looked at me surprised.

"Wait, are you serious?" She asked as I helped Seamus out of the back seat.

"Yeah of course, you after all did help Seamus save me. I should return the favor" I said and she pulled me into a kiss on the cheek. "Take care of Seamus for me would ya" she whispered. I nodded and she smiled at me as she drove away.

Turning around I saw Seamus standing there in front of me. Smiling I walked up to him and hugged him whispering "I missed you so much"

I felt Seamus' arms wrap around my body as he whispered "I missed you do much too"

Looking up I softly pulled away and he said "I am so very sorry about Ra-"

I shushed him with my finger, not wanting to hear her name. "Let's just start over again. Okay?" I asked as I held out my hand.

He looked confused. "What?"

"My name is James Wilson, nice to meet you" I said happily. Seamus rolled his eyes as we started to walk up the staircase. "My name is Seamus Patty O'Doherty..."

He seemed to stop limping and I stopped to open the door as he continued to talk.

Only that.

This time his tone was very dark I got concerened for a moment; I decided to just ignore it. "...I may seem like a nice guy at first sight. It's a talent I have..."

We both entered my house and Seamus quickly locked it. "...but the truth is..."

Seamus turned to look at me with dark blue eyes. "S-Seamus?"

He ran up to me and pushed me against the wall

"...I'm a really fucked up guy..."


I hope you guys enjoyed this book! And the first book!

I really hope you hang around for my SSoHD book that I'll be making some time soon!

Comment your opinion on this series!

Love you guys thank you for all of those reads and those votes!!!

•3• KLS~

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