4. And It Begins

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Todoroki's POV:

Me and Midoriya have becoming better friends but we do things that I'm not sure friends are suppose to do, I mean it's not like I hate it.. its just he let's me hug him during the day and at night but never in front of people but i never wanna ask cause i feel like that'll makes us grow apart so I'll keep the questions to myself.

Third Person: 

Todoroki and Midoriya have became closer and more touchy and yet both of them still haven't thought of the idea that they like one another, everyone has come question they want to ask but there all caught up with kirishiama's and Kacchan's relationships but some of the girls have been noticing some of the same signs Kiri and Bakugo gave when they haven't came out to the group. 

( U is uraraka)

U: Hey Deku! she yelling said to catch Midoirya's attention

M: Oh, hey Uraraka.

U: Have you found yourself a lover yet? eh deku? She teased him 

M: Of course not! he replied

U: not even a crush?! 

M: I mean I don't know maybe.. The green headed boy flustered 

U: MAYBE?! SPILL!!! She pushed him

M: I mean.. when I'm with the person I want there touch, there love, there attention.. He said nervously 

U: IT"S LOVE!!! she yelled 

M: SHH!! keep it down would ya'!! 

Todoroki ended up hearing those words that Uraraka said to Mirdoriya.. he felt hurt and sad knowing he's in love with someone.. Todoroki walked away from the boy and headed to Midoriya's and his spot, he sat there feeling heartbroken for some reason.. he still hasn't figured out why he felt this way when he heard the word "love.." "I should be happy for him.." he thought. Todoroki saw Midoriya still talking to Uraraka and heading towards were he was, Todoroki hid behind some bushed but before he did he saw that Midoriya was blushing.. "I guess he loves her.." he said as he hide behind the bushes. Instead of listening to the conversation he put his ear phone in and ignored this feeling and the word "love" time flew by and Todoroki eventually dozed off and feel asleep.

Midoriya's POV:

After talking to Uraraka, I felt better knowing why i've been acting like this with Todoroki. I heard ruffing from behind the bush, I was ready for a villain to attack right when I throw but instead I found.. T-TODOROKI!?! I started to freak out cause i thought he heard all the things i said about him but than I realize he had his earphones in which made me feel more at ease, I walked over to Todoroki and sat in front of him admiring his peaceful face but than i heard the bell which means lunch was over so I decided to wake Todo up.

M: hey Todo! I said in a sweet tone, Todo looked at me and I see he was half asleep 

T: Oh, hey Midoriya.. He said in a smile

M: we ha- I got cut off by Todo.. he pulled me closer to him and put between his legs.. knowing i can feel His little friend, made my little friend go up.. I was pretty sure Todo thought he was still dreaming but right when I though that I turn beet red, "H-HIM?! D-DREAMING OF M-ME!?!" i thought to myself. Nexts thing I know is todoroki was putting his face closer to mines..

T: Midoriya.. He whispered as his checks turn bright red, he got closer until there was no gap between are lips.. I was going crazy, my mind went blank and next thing I know is todoroki slid his tongue in my mouth.. his tongue was so warm and hot we both took a break from each other to get gasp of air but next thing i know Todo went back to sleep. "H-He kissed me" I said while touching my lips but I realized he is gonna think it was all a dream.. I was hoping he felt the same way about me but I realized I had a problem with my little friend down there.. I realized I got hard and wet just from kissing Todoroki.. "I-I'm so screwed.." I thought to myself.


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