Dont Mess With Pig Guts

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Rico's POV
I walked in the chemistry lab keeping my head down and staring into one of my books. I had just started reading "Wuthering Heights" for my book report due in two weeks. "Hiya Rico what's up?" Dan said.
"Nothing" I mumbled and sat down next to him.
"Get this, yesterday I did some research and I found out that-"
"Please don't tell me you found something to blow up" I half screamed at him.
"You'll see" He said with a sinister smile.
I always considered Dan the more reckless part of our friendship. Me being addicted to books, him being dangerously insane when it came to blowing up books. Life was good. Most of the time.
"Okay class, today we will be mixing some chemicals from the pig intestine and vinegar."
Dan's grin grew even wider as he poured in WAY too much vinegar and of course blew up the test tube. It was disgusting. It smelled like a burning garbage truck with a hint of barf. Dan laughed so hard he knocked down the rest of the tube on our teacher's head. He.Was.Screwed.
Dan's POV
Okay I found that information online. But, knocking the test tube on our teachers head was an added bonus. Serves him right for all that crazy
homework yesterday. "DAN, to the principal's office immediately." I tried to suppress my laughter. I really did, but something about pink slob all over his face made it impossible to stop.
"Dan how do you explain this?" the principal said.
I sighed as I looked over at a recording of the whole thing. Even the principal couldn't keep a straight face as our teacher fell in utter embarrassment. "I will give you fifty dollars for a copy of that to put on You Tube.", I said grinning like a cat. " Dan this is no laughing matter. This has been your fifth infraction this semester. Pick up the slack or I will call your parents about a suspension. "Yes Mr. Hunter" I said as I walked out of the room with the video tape. He didn't even notice.
A/N that was my first chapter how do you guys like it?! leave it in the comments below.
Who do you like better? Rico or Dan? (May result in more POV'S for one of them).
Waiting for Emma ?!? She's coming soon. With a surprise.

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