She' not normal

229 20 10

I swear she's not normal
A talking cat would be more normal than her shes crackers ,
As I was thinking I felt s presence behind me , I turn around to see Angie , she's so beautiful I love her but I'm in "friend zone " as Angelica said
And I need to upper my game according to Angelica to get her attention more , And I'm actually considering that
Anyway she came closer to me
-what you looking at-she said with a smirk
-well it looks like he's starting at you but I could be wrong and he is actually starting at my wonderful picture of my frying pan-angelica said whilst dancing
And I let out a small laugh
-so what are you looking at-Angie repeated
-well something beautiful and talented-I said and gave her a cheeky smile .
When suddenly angelica bursts out with
-I knew Ii I knew it he was starting at my frying pan because he is crazy and is obsessed with frying pans-Angelica shouts whilst jumping up and down with a frying pan in her hand yet I'm crazy and obsessed with frying pans like , ahh I don't know what to do with her mun I swear she is not from this planet .....

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