Knocked out by angelica

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I swear she is not from this planet
-german is obsessed with frying pans german is obsessed with frying pans -Angelica said whilst pointing at me and jumping up and down but then she stopped and just looked at me-hey that's my thing not yours find something else to be obsessed with-she said then stormed into the kitchen
I turned to Angie who was just laughing
-well that was ahh strange-I said
-well it included my mum so obviously it is strange-angie replied still laughing and I just joined in

I left them pair in the living room and now I'm going for a walk but first I need my frying pan
I was putting my frying pan in my bag when german walks in and scared the poo out of me so I whacked him with my frying pan and he fell to the floor
But I didn't know it was him until it was a bit late ops
-ahhhh angie-I shouted as i poked german with my frying pan .
-what is it mum-she shouted back
-ahh well I think I killed german with my frying pan-I said then kicked him but he moaned -no he's still alive but I think he ahh needs help-I said then angie ran into the kitchen
-mum what did you do-she said as she got some water
-well I think I made it quite clear I just told I hit him with my frying pan ..........but it wasn't my fault-I said then put my frying pan in my bag
-oh no mum of course it wasn't-angie said sarcastically then bent down by german
-well it wasn't he was the one who walked in and scared me -I said then got chocolate from the cupboard
-so you hit him with a frying pan?-she said then looked up at me
-well why not-I said then went into the living room

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