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River's Point Of View:
We ran back to the fire pit. It was extremely crowded. We took seats next to each other and listened.

"We will now arrange your cabins! Please remember boys stay in the boys cabins and girls stay in the girls cabins!" said the teacher. I started to chuckle, knowing that I'm obviously not straight.

"We will hand you a paper to show what cabin your in and who is sharing it with you."

The teacher gave a paper and I read down the list. I didn't see her name anywhere. I started to panic and then I saw that there was another side. I flipped it and what do you know, we have the same Cabin. I showed Flame the paper. Are faces burned red, realizing that we would have to share the same cabin. I knew that Flame likes me so I knew why she was blushing. I felt nauseous, for I had to stay in a cabin by our selves, with Flame. I really wanted to tell her that I liked her but I would always chicken out. I looked at the rest of the people and I noticed that the two other girls weren't here. My gut started to turn.


We grabbed our bags and head to our cabin. She opened the door for me and followed behind once I was in. It looked small and cosy. The kitchen was already filled up with food. There were towels already there in the bathroom, including shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I looked around some more and found the living room. There was a tv, small coffee table, a couch, and a recliner chair. I plopped myself on the couch and stretched out.

"We still need to put our stuff in the bedroom!" said Flame, holding our bags. I was jealous of her strength. 

I got up and took my bags off her arm and we hiked our way to our bedroom. There were two bunk beds on either side of the room. They was a window looking out onto the ocean in between the two bunk beds. I chose the one on the left and Flame took the one on the right. I set up my stuff started to read.

"River, I heard that the sunsets here are spectacular! Would you like to come out with me to check it out?" said Flame. I jerked my head around and said:

"Hell yes! Why wouldn't I want to spend time with you!" I yelled, not noticing what I just said.

"Ok well let's go!" exclaimed Flame. She grabbed my hand and we ran out the front door to the beach.

We walked for a bit, until we found a bench we could sit on to watch the sun set. I sat down and Flame sat down next to me. I looked at her and smiled, then focused my eyes on the sun. The light danced around the sky, in pinkish orangish colors. It was extraordinary.

Gently, Flame grabbed me and pulled me in close.

Flame's Point Of View:
I ran to the fire pit, River not following far behind. I sat on one of the seats and River took a seat next to me.

"We will now arrange your cabins! Please remember boys stay in the boys cabin, and girls stay in the girls cabin!" said the teacher. River started to giggle. She's so cute when she laughs.

"We will hand you a paper to show what cabin you're staying in and who's sharing it."

The teacher handed River a paper. She read it down carefully. She flipped the paper and looked at it for a good ten seconds until she handed it to me. I saw my name and then realized that we had the same cabin. My face turned bright red. I saw that there were two other names but the two other girls were not here. I freaked out. I would have to share a cabin with only River. I swear if she knows I like her this is gonna be a wild ride!


We grabbed our bags and headed to the front steps of the cabin. I opened the door for her and she stepped in. I followed in after her. The place looked cozy and it felt warm. The cabin already had everything we needed. We explored the cabin and we found the living room. River ran over to the couch and plopped herself down on it.

"We still need to put our stuff in the bedroom!" I said, picking up all the bags like it was nothing.

She came over to me and grabbed her bags off of my arm. We went to our bedroom and sat on a bunk bed. I took the one on the right. She sat down and got out one of her books. She dived right into it like it was nothing. After about twenty minutes I finally spoke.

"River, I heard the sunsets here are spectacular! Would you like to come with me to check it out?" I asked.

"Hell yes! Why wouldn't I want to spend time with you!" she said then instantly blushing afterwards.

"Ok well let's go!" I exclaimed. I grabbed her hand and ran out the door towards the water.

We walked for a bit. I felt like this is one of those scenes from a romance movie we're the two people are on the beach and they confess their love for one another. We eventually found a bench and we sat down. I sat down next to her. She looked up into the sky, not looking away. I then did the same. The sky was beautiful. I wished I could be here every day, and be with River. I gentle sound of the waves crashing was so soothing. I wanted to stay here forever. I looked over at River, she still looking up at the sky. I moved my arm ever so slightly towards her. I wrapped my arm around her back, making her gently move in closer.

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