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[Quick Author's Note: Before you start reading, I should say that some content may (or may not, depending on you) offend, disturb, and/or trigger you. Therefore, this story is rated "mature". If you don't dig into these abusive, bloody kinds of stories then please do kindly click the back button.

Also, there are going to be lots of grammar errors and all that wonderful jazz as this is the first draft of this story. I'll try to edit out those mistakes as much as I can, but I ain't a master in that department. Sorry.

Also-Also, this story is in the process of being r e w r i t t e n! I originally wrote this story, along with my other story (I Want to be Free), to be made into a sequel with lots of twists and turns, but then life got in the way and I kinda lost what I had in mind (I never wrote it down, fuck me eh ._.), so I'm going to just rewrite it as a stand-alone! I shall release it all at once when I'm finished and give another author update at the end to symbolize the completed stand-alone version of this book.

Enjoy reading! c:

Copyright © 2015 All Rights Reserved]



June, 2004

"Why not take a camping trip with your friends if you feel so shitty?" My mama said.

"It'll be fun." She said.

I tightened my grip on the flashlight until my knuckles were white.

Fun. Yes. So much fun I'm having, I feel like my heart is going to burst out of my chest. Sweat poured down my neck and with the humidity weather, it felt like I had my own little rain cloud as sweat rolled down my skin from everywhere.

My sneakers snapped on loose twigs and my hand that held the flashlight shook in fear.

Now, more than ever, I wished I was back home with my mama, even if she hardly paid attention to me. I would take feeling like a piece of unwanted furniture then strolling through the woods looking for a monster any day.

"Uh! I'm so bored." My friend, Mal, said, waving her paper fan to herself.

Jenna snapped her fingers, grabbing the attention of everyone. "You guys remember The Mask Man in the Woods?"

Realization seemed to draw on everyone, but me. I frowned at the unfamiliar name and cocked my head. "No. What's it about?"

"You don't know about the masked man?" Javon asked in disbelief.

I shook my head. "I'm afraid not."

"Well, it's basically about a man from like the eighteen hundred who came to live in these very woods. Legend says that he was hideously deformed from a war, so to hide his face; he wore a blank white mask. He made his home somewhere deep in the woods and only ate animals. Once a girl from the late nineteen hundreds was hiking and she was eaten by the masked man. And she wasn't the only one who was eaten by him. There were hundreds of disappearances and no one ever saw what or who was behind the mask. Some people say that he walks around the edge of the woods and people even saw him! Nobody was able to find him and nobody who met the masked man lived to tell the tale."

Goosebumps prickled my arms and I felt the air suddenly get colder. The wind picked up and the branches of the trees swayed.

"That's...creepy." I finally said, not sure how to respond to the story.

It certainly was creepy. To know that a masked man haunted these very woods where I sat, scarred me deep in my soul. I suddenly wasn't in the mood to go through this camping trip, or any camping trips for the rest of my life.

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