Chapter 3

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Time for me to get out.

Denki's POV

The second Mina got into the bathroom I began changing, putting on some black ripped jeans a white tee and a yellow hoodie, sprayed myself with some cologne and started to blow dry my hair since it was still wet. After I finish drying my hair "EEK" mina screeched from the bathroom. I started laughing to myself I mean I warned her right. Anyways I'm done getting ready so I'll just be on my phone until she comes out.

30 min later...

Mina walks out of the bathroom and the room fills with her scent. I don't know why but I found myself immediately standing up and I felt my face start to warm up and I turned around so she can't see my face. "What's wrong, why are you turned around?" Mina asked, kinda concerned. "Oh nothing I was just checking what percent my phone was on'' I lied "Okay well grab it and charge it in the car cause Bakugou and Kirishima are already there" she said walking towards the door. I checked my phone and saw that Sero texted me saying he was also there. "Alright I'm going slow down" I said while rushing out the door since Mina was already down the hall. After I finally caught up with her I told her I was driving and from the looks of it she had no complaints.

Mina's POV

We got in the car and Denki was already speeding so I texted Bakugou and asked him to buy our tickets for Kaminari and I since we were so late. "Sure, just hurry up and get here" he replied. "Wow that was easy" I thought to myself "Thank you so much I'll pay you back, see you soon <3" I texted back. "I look up from my phone to see Kaminari tapping the steering wheel rhythmically to the beat of the song that was playing. Kinda cute honestly, I began smiling to myself "What's up with you, what's so amusing over there?" Kaminari looked over tilting his head "What do you mean?" I asked hopeful that he wouldn't continue. "You're smiling," Kaminari said, turning his head back to the street. I frown "I don't know what you're talking about" I started joking but then Kaminari slid his hand onto my left thigh with a smirk "QUIT"I say flustered, crap my face is starting to warm up. I quickly cover my face and face the window so he can't tell I'm blushing "What?" Kaminari said laughing with his head back "I just wanted to see you smile, too bad it didn't work" he said with a pouting face. Let me tell you I got butterflies but didn't want it to be obvious so I just smiled sarcastically then rolled my eyes, "Well my apologies princess" he chuckled while turning the music up.

We got there about 2 min later...

3rd person

They pulled up and Kaminari jumped out the car to run around the side to open the door for Mina "Here you go princess" He said while bowing. "Huh you actually put thought into our little game." Mina said while sliding out of the passenger seat. "Why thank you good sir" she said giggling, Kaminari let out a chuckle. They jogged up to the front of the theater to see Bakugou standing there with their tickets "About damn time, come on the movies starting in like 5 minutes" Bakugou said while grabbing Mina's hand and dragging her in while Kaminari could barely keep up. "Guys I'm getting some popcorn I'll see you inside" Denki said while putting a hand up. Bakugou was still pulling Mina behind him "Bakugou I should actually get some popcorn too" Mina said, trying to stop him. "You can just have some of mine" Bakugou said while picking up the pace and looking straight ahead because he had started blushing. "Okay if you say so" Mina said, raising a brow. Bakugou doesn't really show affection but tonight is a totally different story."He's never this nice to anyone must be in a good mood today" Mina thought to herself smiling. They walk into the theater while the previews are going and quietly walk in and sit down "Hey Mina!" Kirishima and Sero say in unison while others around them begin hushing. "Hey guys I'm so sorry we got her late'' Mina whispered leaning over Sero. "Oh no you're good the movie hasn't even started yet" Sero started. Mina looks down at her phone because she got a text notification. "Before I leave do you want anything?" Kaminari texted Mina's face lit up "Ooo get me a slushie" Mina quickly replied "Mixed right?" Denkie texted "Who made you so perfect?" Mina texted jokingly. Kaminari just laughed at his phone and didn't answer. "Jerk" Mina whispered to herself, realizing he left her to read. "Soooo was that Kaminari '' Sero said in a sing-songy tone clearly trying to mess with her. "shshs Sero what if the others hear you" Mina said trying to hush Sero while lightly hitting his arm in a panic. "Okay okay okay" Sero said trying to quietly laugh. Kaminari walked in and went down to Mina to hand her the slushie "Here you go princess" Denki whispered in her ear. "Thank you sir" Mina giggled "I'll pay you back when we get out of here" Mina whispered while Denki walked down to his seat.

Bakugou's POV

Kaminari walked all the way down just to hand Mina a damn slushie. He could've had Kirishima and Sero pass it down to her or something. He also said something to her, too bad I couldn't hear. Mina also started giggling after which made me want to punch Kaminari in the face for some reason but I stopped myself. "Speaking of paying people back-" Mina started while pulling out some cash from her wallet "Thank you for buying Kaminari and I's tickets" Mina said with the cutest smile on her face. I snatched the money from her hand and shoved it in my pocket "Tch whatever" I said this while looking away because I could feel my face begin heating up.

Mina's POV

As the movie opening began playing I could feel my eyes being drawn towards the exit or in her case entrance. My eyes followed the girl to her seat which was right next to Kaminari's. The movie started and I could see the girl's face. It was Jiro. My stomach dropped, I could feel a lump start to form in my throat, and my face start to get warm. Not in the embarrassed or cute way, but in the I probably look sick to my stomach. I tried to focus on the movie but her sitting next to him stayed in mind. Not to mention they literally hooked up earlier. I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms , and began slouching in my chair. "Hey are you okay?" Bakugou whispered to me "Huh? Yea why wouldn't I be'' I said forgetting to whisper then being followed up by a bunch of hush and sh's. Bakugou turned around and glared at the people telling me to be quiet and continued to whisper to me "Well you look like your puppy just died" I don't know why but I just giggled at that and said " No I'm fine, pass me some popcorn." Bakugou lifted up the arm rest separating us and put the popcorn in between us. That's when I could finally relax and actually start enjoying the movie. Halfway through the movie I noticed Katsuki move the popcorn into his lap so I had started moving over so I could reach it. I started getting tired and ended up asleep on his shoulder for what felt like 5 minutes but was actually 30. "Oi Mina get up, the movie is over" Bakugou said softly while slightly nudging me with the shoulder I was on. "Oh okay" I replied sleepily while trying to cover my yawn.

Okay okay so I know this chapter was kinda boring but it took forever for me to write. Writersblock? Didn't think I could get it this early.. anyways look at the bakusquad in the picture. AREN'T THEY SO CUTE?!? For the most part that's what their outfits look like in case you were wondering.

Thank you for reading please leave any constructive criticism in the comments

word count: 1401

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