First Days Kick Ass

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Mercedes: POV

I held up a skirt. "I like this one."

"How short is that thing?!" Marcy bit off.

"You have the best legs of anyone I've ever seen and they've gotten better! You have to show them off!"

"I think this tank will go with it." Lucy held up a black tank top.

Marcy sighed. "I don't know why I'm letting you play Barbie with me like I'm brainless."

"Don't you want to look good?"


"You don't want to be seen as that girl that had kids at sixteen." Lucy bossed. "Now no one will harp on that. It took me a long time to not be seen as the teen mom."

Marcy huffed. "Fine."

I perked up. "Now let's find accessories!"


In the end we had a tiny white skirt that had ruffles. It was cute because it looked like petals of a flower sticking to a band. We went with the black tank top and a blue jean jacket. It was stonewashed and had pockets on the side and on the breast.

After that, we decided she'd wear her push presents from Mal along with a diamond tennis bracelet and thin silver bangles. She was going to wear diamond studs in her third holes, silver hoops in her second holes and tiny silver skull and crossbones in her first holes.

We wanted her to have some mystery (and it was a chance to hike up the skirt) so we gave her tights with the line up the back. Her shoes were my favorite part though. We went shoe shopping this weekend and picked up all sorts of heels.

These particular heels were black with red bottoms. We spent quite a few hours showing her how to walk in them.

I would be doing Marcy's makeup in the morning and we spent a long time straightening Marcy's hair. It took forever because her hair was stubbornly curly and fell to her butt. Even her bangs had grown so they covered her face.

I decided to let her wear one of my belts; a brown leather fringe number that was so cute. Lucy and I went to my room to get it.

Lucy jumped on my bed. "I can't wait to see her all dressed up tomorrow!"

"I know! She's going to look so cute!" I went to my closet and found the belt. I came back and leaned against the bed. "She's going to start a sex riot."

"Mal is going to die." Lucy smiled.

I giggled. "I can't wait. But we have to keep her away from the sickos."

"Like Bobby Fletcher?" Lucy giggled.

I groaned. "Yes! What a freak!"

"Remember his party freshman year?"

"How could I forget?! He accosted me!" I shuddered.

Lucy fell out laughing. "You should have seen your face!"

"He's why I'm cautious while playing Spin the Bottle now!"

"He just planted one on you!"

"It was so gross and all tongue!" I almost threw up as I remembered.

"You weren't like that when Puck kissed you." She elbowed me.

I blushed. It was true. I welcomed Noah. "Because he's good! Bobby smelled and he tasted like fish!"

Lucy leaned against me as she laughed. "I'm so glad I never got him!"

"No but you were super glad to get Finn." I said slyly.

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