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I got back from patrol at 3 am. I have to do my English essay and my calculus homework to do. If I finish it all by 7 then I can go spidermaning today and tomorrow. I went to the kitchen and found a note on the countertop. Looks like may isn't going to be home this weekend again. 

*time skip cause Idk what to write*

I finally finish my homework. I went up and search for my red and blue suite under a mountain of dirty laundry stuffed up against it. I jumped out of my window and disappeared into the city. 

Nothing has happened since it is pouring outside right. I mean who would want rob a bank in pouring rain? It wasn't so bad since I got to swing around in city. I mean this is a job where you get stabbed by a knife a few times, but the joy that it brings everyone is more than I could ever ask for. 

*No one pov*

Little did Peter know that was going to change. 

*Stark tower*

"Hey guys, there has been a spiderman spoting 188th street!" shouted Clint.

"Why doesn't Cap go?" Stark suggested.

"FIne," replied Steve.


I heard someone come behind me. It was Captain America.

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