[A/n- So... yeah, I've stopped progress on my unpublished story currently in hopes of making these chapters more frequent.]
Y/n's POV
Silence is all I hear.
Well- until my scrolls alarm went off.
"Ugh." I say as I press the silence button on my scroll, stopping the song. I grudgingly sit up and look around to see the rest of my team asleep, well most of them. Ruby was standing eagerly by Weiss's bed with a whistle in hand.
(Y/n): "Uhh, Ruby? What are you doing?" I ask her. When she hears my voice she jumps before turning to me with her face red of embarrassment. I chuckle as I stand up from my makeshift mattress on the floor. Since we were a five person team, in dorms with only four beds, one of us had to sleep somewhere else. My sleeping setup consisted of mainly my spare shirts and extra towels from our bathroom.
Ruby: "O- Oh, hey (Y/n). I didn't think you would've been up." She says before turning back to weiss, her smirk returning. I look at her suspiciously as I begin to stretch, my bones cracking with every move.
Ruby: "Watch this." She says mischievously as she takes a long inhale and blows the whistle, jolting the rest of our team up from there sleep.
Ruby: "Good morning, team RWBY!"
Weiss: "What in the world is wrong with you?" She yells from the floor.
Ruby: "Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business." She says, seemingly ignoring the ice queens question.
(Y/n): "And that would be-?" I ask.
Yang "Decorating!" She says, holding things such as posters, candles, and books.
Weiss: "What?!" She asked, bewildered that THIS was their first order of business.
Blake: "We still have to unpack."She says as she hold a suitcase, which opens, spilling its contents. "Aaaand clean." She finishes.
Weiss doesn't look happy with this, especially when Ruby knocks her back down with the blow of her whistle.
Ruby: "Aaaalright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission, Banzai!" She yells as she puts her hand up with me, Yang, and Blake soon following
Ruby/(Y/n)/Blake/Yang: "Banzai!" We say in unison as Weiss lays down defeated. Montage music plays as we decorate our dorm.
Yang places a poster of six guys in different poses named "THE ACHIEVE MEN" on her part of the room. I sigh at her poor choice of music as I begin to hang some posters on my part of the room [The corner in the bottom left of the room.]
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