Chapter 9 Internship

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Izuku POV

I headed to the teacher's room to find aizawa Sensei but before I opened the door of the teacher's room someone touched my shoulder when I looked behind the person was togata senpai I did not think he would wake up as soon as this.

Mirio: midoriya-kun I want to ask. Have you decided you want an internship with which hero agency.

Izuku: I have not decided yet

Mirio: then what do you say you join the agency I went to.

Izuku: hm what Agency  you went to togata senpai?

Mirio: Nighteye agency do you agree to join me

Izuku: ........... Nighteye former sidekick all might they be good to each other?

Mirio: I guess not, nighteye has not faced all might in a few years.

Izuku: well I agree when we will go there?

Mirio: oh you have to wait for eraserhead to tell when the Internship will start.

Izuku: we are in front of the teacher's room door let me ask aizawa Sensei. * opens the door of the teacher's room looking around sees aizawa sitting next to the presentmic go to her place *. aizawa Sensei * aizawa looks up *.

Aizawa: oh problem child what do you want to come to the teacher's room?

Izuku: I want to know when the internship will start.

Aizawa: oh so you are interested in taking the internship again. You already have a license but if you want to join the internship I do not mind so who do you join?

Izuku: I will join the nighteye agency

Aizawa: Nighteye former sidekick all might if you think this is the best for you to go.

Izuku: aizawa Sensei I came to ask about when the internship will start

Aizawa: s-sorry I forgot to tell you next week the internship begins.

Izuku: thank you for telling me.

Aizawa: problem child there is one more thing I want to tell you.

Izuku: what do you want to tell me?

Aizawa: your application to class 3A has been approved because you have completed the assignment from the first year to the third year.

Mirio: midoriya-kun you want to move to our class means if we graduate you are the same?

Aizawa: more or less a problem child will graduate but he is still in school to get help from the teachers here he can leave school anytime for patrol and your problem child will join the big three so the big four.

Mirio: * excited * so midoriya-kun will be our new member
very interesting.

Izuku: yeah interesting I don't have to be with them anymore.

Mirio: midoriya-kun let's visit the other big four must They sudha aware now.

Izuku:  thank you aizawa Sensei we will go out now to tell this news to the other big four.

Aizawa: okay I want to continue Sleep.......... Zzzzzzzzzzz

Izuku and mirio sweatdrop and leave They forgot about presentmic there

Presentmic: well They forgot about me being here  ignore me and leave* Sigh *
........ 😭Why

Aizawa: mic shut up I'm trying to sleep.......Zzzzzz.

Presentmic: okay 😥😥

Back to izuku

Izuku: togata senpai what you think will  they going to accept me?

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