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Ashton's POV

"Okay I lied." I groan, stepping out of the bathroom after showering quickly.

"About?" Izzy chuckles, her eyes scanning down my chest lingering on my bare lower stomach just above the towel.

"I'm scared as fuck to meet your parents tonight. I'd rather hide here and do all the things you're thinking." I chuckle.

"Make it through dinner and you can do all those things." She smirks, "And more."

"What if your dad hates me?" I whine, but it's a legitimate fear of mine.

"He promised he would try, and I am holding him to that." She shrugs, pulling a white dress off the bed and walks around me to the bathroom.


"I'm on your side, Ash, always." She nods before closing the door to get ready herself.

Knowing we will have to go the moment she is ready, I find what I planned to wear. Pulling my black slacks and suit jacket from the hanger and pairing it with a red polka-dot button down. Leaving the top three buttons undone on the shirt.

From what I've understood from Izzy, tonight's dinner is going to be fancy as fuck. Her dads way of showing me up, proving he can compete with my bank account or something to that extent. Not that I would ever look down on anyone who couldn't afford a fancy meal. Growing up that was me, that was the truth of my family's life and there is nothing wrong with it. But Izzy's father seems to think there is, he seems to think anyone who can't afford nice things isn't worth his time.

I grab my gel, rubbing it onto my hands before combing my hair back nicely. Smiling to myself as I hear Izzy humming to herself, the sound tugging at my heart as I recognize the song as one of our new ones.

Fuck, I love that girl. And I can't wait for the moment I get to tell her that.

"Ready?" Izzy asks, coming out of the bathroom as I am repacking my bag some.

"Wow." I breathe out, taking her in. The dress has long sleeves, and a deep V-neck showing off her beautiful collarbones and becoming a little bit cheeky, the fabric light and flirty, as is the hemline resting against her upper thighs. "You look beautiful, Izzy Fey."

"Thank you." She smiles, running her hands over the dress softly, "I couldn't find a good necklace though, I wanted something more delicate and simple that what I packed."

I debate a moment before smiling, "Turn around and close your eyes." She frowns slightly but listens, turning on her heels.

I pull the small velvet box from my suitcase and remove the chain from it, undoing the clasp as I walk up behind her. Looping the delicate gold chain around her neck softly, reattaching the clasp behind her neck.

"Perfect." I whisper, kissing her shoulder as she opens her eyes.

"Ash!" She gasps, picking up the small gold five point star.

"I was going to give it to you on our date in a couple days. But I couldn't wait." I chuckle.

"It's beautiful."

"I saw it and couldn't not get it for you."

"Thank you, Fletcher. I love it." She spins in my arms to face me.

"Hey, Iz," I smile, tucking a bit of her hair back.

"Yeah?" She whispers, her hand fiddling with the chain resting against my own chest, her eyes trained on mine.

"I love you." I whisper, a goofy grin spread across my face.

"You- you love me?" She grins.

"I am completely infatuated by and in love with you, Izzy Fey." I nod, chuckling slightly.

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