chapter nine

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p a r k e r

The pastel walls give the waiting room a pleasant, homey feel. "Windsor," a nurse with light pink scrubs calls out with a clipboard in hand.

Olivia and I finally get to see our baby. When Olivia asked me to help her choose an OB/GYN, we chose the most private clinic. We wanted as much privacy and discretion as possible. We discussed with our lawyers about the doctors and nurses signing non-disclosure agreements.

We stand from our seats in the waiting room and follow the nurse into one of the exam rooms. My eyebrows lift as I see the examination chair with metal bars attached to the seat. Shit just got real.

The nurse hands Olivia a changing gown. "Could you, um, turn around so I can change?" She asks shyly.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." I smirk. She rolls her eyes, but I can sense the small grin on her face as I turn to face the opposite wall.

"Okay, all done." Olivia looks absolutely adorable, her body drowning in the oversized attire.

She slides onto the chair and drapes a white sheet over her lap. I notice her heels are on the floor beside the seat. I'm impressed by her ability to walk in heels—while pregnant.

There's a knock at the door, then a woman in a white coat enters the room. "Hi, Olivia! I'm Dr. O'Hara. Before we begin the exam, I want you to know I'm a huge fan of your work."

A rosy tint creeps onto her cheeks. "Thank you." Olivia points to me. "This is Parker, my baby daddy."

Dr. O'Hara tries to contain her smile. "Oh, I know! I hate to fan girl but I love the Blaze."

After the preliminary checks are done, Dr. O'Hara tells us her hCG levels are strong and prescribed anti nausea medication to combat Olivia's morning sickness.

"Okay, now onto the baby's heartbeat. I'm going to insert this internal monitor inside, so you may feel some discomfort," she says.

She pulls out a device that's oddly shaped like a dildo. "Holy shit," I mutter under my breath.

Olivia turns pale. "Does it have to be a transvaginal ultrasound?"

Dr. O'Hara offers a sincere smile. "The fetus is only six weeks, so yes, a transvaginal ultrasound would be the more efficient and accurate option."

"I can leave if you'd feel more comfortable." While Olivia and I have been undoubtedly closer since our time in New Jersey a little over a week ago, I want to respect her privacy if she'd rather me wait in the hallway.

She seems hesitant for a second. "No, I want you here." I nod content with her answer and place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Olivia adjust her position on the chair, while Dr. O'Hara lubricates the monitor. "You might feel a little discomfort," she says before inserting the device.

Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. The rhythmic noise sounds like horses galloping. Our baby's heartbeat. Olivia and I both stare at the black and white image of our baby. The tiny fetus barely visible on the screen. Immediately, my chest constricts and a terrified feeling washes over me. Without realizing my doing, I grab onto Olivia's hand and she squeezes it in return. When I look at her, tears are streaming down her face. "It's the hormones." She shrugs.

Something about the beautiful woman beside me and the swishing-galloping sound is so fulfilling. So perfect. A single tear escapes my eye. When Olivia sees my expression, more tears stream down her cheeks. Leaning down, I place a soft kiss onto her forehead. Fuck masculinity, I'm a dad.

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