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My recovery from my broken shoulder was nice and fast. The weeks flied by and soon enough. I was piloting a Franxx again

"It's been a while," I mutter over the comms as we walk to a Klaxosaur

"Don't hold us back," Zorome says

"No promises," I tell him as we approach it. It was a simple giant cube. Strelizia charges in like normal as Delphinuim study's it's attack patterns. I ready Destila's huge long sword as I wait for the order

"Attack!" Delphinuim declares as I charge. We start clashing it trying to get the core. I make a wide cut and hit something hard as it shatters. The Klaxosaur stops moving as I pull the sword out

"Ha, got em," I say as I turn around. My teammates look worried as they look over me. I look behind, and the Klaxosour is floating

"That's weird," I say as it gets higher and higher. Then it suddenly drops

"Oh crap," I mutter as I try to run away. We were too slow as when it hit the ground, it caved in taking Destila with it. The light I see from the top disappears as we fall deeper and deeper. Finally, we hit the ground hard and alive.

"Are you ok?" I ask as I try to turn the lights on, but I have no such luck

"I'm fine, I can't see anything though," Luna says

"I can't either," I say as I look around.

I stomp as the sound echoes around us

"I think we are in a cavern," I say

"Yea," Luna agrees

As I listen closely, I hear a loud growl and steps coming toward us

"Oh god," Luna says as she hears it

"How are we supposed to fight them? I can't see anything?" She asks

"what I'm going to do to, will require you to trust me all the way," I say as she nods

"I trust you," She says shyly as the steps get closer. I draw our sword as I get in a stance ready to strike. The cavern is quiet. I need to listen hard to pick up anything.

I suddenly hear a sound right behind us. I twist us around as I swing the sword. A Klaxosaur scream echoes throughout the cavern. I can hear it drop to the floor

"There's still more," I mutter as the steps continue to walk around us. I hear...maybe....probably 3 more left, give or take.

Another one launches itself toward us and as the first one. It gets cut in two. The remaining ones start making more noise, so now I can probably go on the attack

One of them makes a noise as I leap toward it with my sword in front. I feel the blade cut something as I hear another scream. However, there were two. One from the Klaxosaur I just killed, and the other right behind us.

I feel a heavy contact as we fall to the ground. I can then feel that the Klaxosaur is on top of us and is about to hit us. I try and find our sword, but no such luck. Instead, I figure I'll stick to my fists, I start pummelling the creature until it stops making noises

The cavern is once again quieted down as I contact HQ

"Code 234, 028, thank God you two are alive, that's good to hear," we hear our caregiver

"Yea, we are in some sort of cavern, our external lights aren't working and we are completely in the dark," I explain

"I understand, we know your location we are just drilling to it," she says

Blind FranxxWhere stories live. Discover now