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I couldn't remember much after the plantation found us. I remember hearing footsteps running to us and then people grabbing us as if we were fragile...I couldn't remember a single thing after they took Luna from my arms.

(Y/N) failed her....your the reason why she has no voice....(Y/N), your useless.





My eyes suddenly open as I see darkness and my head starts pounding in pain

"Finally," I hear Goro say as I sit up holding my head

"Was I dreaming?" I ask myself as he hoists me out of bed

"Come on, breakfast is ready," he says as I follow his loud footsteps down to the dining area.

"Where's Luna?" I ask as I sit down

"She's in the bath," Hiro answers

"Ok," I say as I realize was a dream

It felt so real way it was a dream....but everyone's acting like nothing happened

I continue eating my food and once I'm done I was about to start looking for Luna

"Why don't we take a walk?" Hiro asks the group

"Yes, love to go on a walk," Zero Two says seductively 

"Not just us, everyone," he says as She pouts a bit

"Ok," she says

"Well...let's go," he says

"We should wait for Luna," I say as he responds

"She still has stuff to do," he says sadly

"I'll help her out then," I say as I go to walk away

"You should really come with us, maybe we could have some boy time," Goro says awkwardly as he jumps in

"Boy time...but what about me," Zero two protests as Hiro convinces her to stay

We started walking as we followed a paved path

I can smell that we are getting closer to the pond in our plantation

"Wanna go for a quick dip?" Hiro asks

"I don't, but you two should," I say as they agree. I sit on the beach as I hear them splashing

It's too happy....they are way too happy...somethings wrong

Suddenly, I feel arms wrap around my neck.

"Lun--," I began to say before they tightened and started restricting air. I started struggling as the person behind me whispered into my ear

"Fadeaway," the figure said in a familiar's was Tyler's

My head started to hurt as the oxygen supply was cut from it. I thrashed my limbs as I could feel him drag me into the tree line to not attract Hiro or Goro.

"No one will find you," he says as the darkness I all the time see got even more dark

He started to whisper in my ear and that's when I struck. Violently, I thrashed my head toward his voice until I felt our head connects

"Owwww!" He says as releasing me. I pant on the ground for a second before I act on my next move.

"You're still a feisty one," he says as I try to pinpoint how far I am from the others. About 20 meters. We are in the light woods, and if I try to run for it I most likely will trip...but it's a risk I have to take

I hear him start to charge me as I duck out of the way. He stumbles and I take my chance

"Hiro! Goro!" I scream as I run at full speed. Luckily, nothing tripped me and I can hear the splashing has stopped. I can hear Tyler hot on my tail as I sprint.

He tackles me to the ground as I remember my dream.

It may not have been real...but familiar anger fills my body as I think of Luna and what he could do to her

My hands find a tubular like object as I locate his head. Then, in one hard swing, I smash his head off of the object as his body goes limp

Goro and Hiro arrive as they check up on me

"Are you ok?" They ask

"Yea, I'm fine," I mutter

"Is he asleep?" I ask as they move closer

"There's no pulse," Hiro says as something inside of me Am I joyful he is dead?..or is it guilt because I just killed's joy

He can't harm Luna like he did my dream anymore

I breathe a sigh of relief

Goro walks me back to the house as Hiro runs to alert the adults.

"I guess we don't have to worry about him anymore," I say happy from this dark went by so fast...he's dead...Tyler is dead

"Yea," Goro agrees as we sit down

"You know...I had a dream last night and Luna lost her voice because of him...glad it's impossible now," I say happily as Goro just remains silent

"What?" I ask as I question his silence...then I felt a pair of hands hug the back of my head...Luna

"Luna. Tyler's gone," I say smiling as I wait for a response

"Luna?" I ask as she hugs tighter

"(Y/N)...that dream you wasn't a dream," Goro says softly...almost like if he didn't speak softly it would scatter me....but I knew it

I knew it wasn't a dream...I know...but it doesn't make it better...Luna can't talk

"How long has it been?" I ask

"It's been a week," Goro says as I become confused

"What happened?" I ask wondering what I did for a week

"You were destroyed...devastated," Goro explains as Luna doesn't let go from her hug

"You would literally beat yourself as Luna watched in horror...I guess when you hit your head you forgot about it," Goro explains

So that's why my head was hurting at the start of the day

Luna lets me go as I hear her walk around the couch and sit next to me

"The doctors say they don't why she stopped talking..." Goro says as it seems like he has something to say something

"What else?" I ask

"They want to see if you can still pilot the Franxx"

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