Box talk

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Roman groaned, surrounded by papers and head sore from falling so hard. His freckles were mostly gone now, he was a little less excited than before. Hearing walking outside his door, assuming it was Patton coming to see if he was okay.

But it was Virgil, taking a deep breath before his ruby red door. Gently knocking on it, "Yo, are you okay in there? You sounded like you hit your head hard..." He thought about maybe a snarky comment and then muttered. "Did it finally knock some sense into you?" He smirked, "Or is that impossible?"

As soon as Roman heard it was Virgil he was up and at his door. Opening it for him, staring up at the sky scrapper of a man. "Nope!" He then pulled him inside by the hoodie strings.
Once he was in Roman snapped the door closed, and it locked behind them. Virgil tussled with his hood since it switched right around his face.
Having to take off his hood to reveal his mas of messy floof.

He took in the sight of Romans room, only having been in there a couple of times. He noticed the redecorating and the Jack and Sally Funko Pops

"Okay now that we're alone..." He walked forward. making Virgil step back, he swallowed as his attention was pulled back to the short prince in front of him. The air getting a little tense until it was shattered by Romans shrill voice, "WANNA HELP ME?! PLEASE PLEASE, PLEAAAASE?" He dragged out the last, please.

Virgil looked away a faint blush dusted his cheeks as he shrugged, "Eh..." He shrugged putting his hands into his hood pockets. "I could help, but I don't know if I wanna."  He squeaked as Roman suddenly grabbed him. Pulling him and sitting him onto the bed, running around and grabbing papers.
Picking them up, "You're like a giraffe! So you could like... Get the box up there out of my closet please?" He smiled at him, batting his eyelashes. "Please? I fell trying to get it..." He tried to pull his best puppy eyes.

Virgil relaxed into the welcoming springs, it creaked under his weight. "Oh so you insult me while asking for a favor... I don't think that's how it works Romano.~" He spoke in his usual monotone voice.

And well, what was a man to do when someone didn't give him what he wanted? Flirt and get touchy of course!
Just groaning in annoyance, walking over to Virgil and taking a place on his lap.  Knowing what he must do, leaning in close. "Please?~" He quite literally purred at him. He was going to get what he wanted even if he had to flirt his way there.

Virgil tensed up, a small pang of anxiety. Along with an intense dusting of blush all vow his face. Questioning his actions, with an eyebrow raise.
"If you wanted to sit on my lap you could've just asked Roman~" The taller hummed, keeping his hands in his pockets. Yeah, Princess here was gonna have to try harder than that.

Romans puppy eyes went to pouts, "Fine then, don't help me. But you're in my room. So you should do as I say." He put a hand on Virgil's chest, pushing him down into the bed. "You really should listen to your prince Virgil..." He smirked then leaned down to his ear. "Wouldn't it Virge?~" He whispered deeply into Virgil's ear.

Once Virgil caught up with what was happening, he tensed up eyes widening. Anxiety started to chuckle Nervously, how ironic... He sat his hands on Romans waist after taking them out of his pockets, "I understand you're head over heels in love with Nico right now, but I don't think flirting is going to help you get your way. At least not in this situation, Princess~..." He hummed, having gathered his barrings while speaking.

Roman had jumped at the hands-on his waist, swallowing nervously. He was pretty much asking for this, so why was his stomach full of butterflies... "Thomas is head over heels in love with Nico, I'm just helping him achieve that." Though he was trying not to shiver at that nickname, damn it did things to him... Who told him about that nickname? Was it Janus?!
"Don't call me that... Do it again and well, I bite." He warned though it was an empty threat.

Virgil laughed shaking his head, feigning innocence. "Oh you would never bit poor old me! That's not very kind of you Roman." He had a sarcastic undertone to it.
Soon sitting up and stretching a few bones popping, especially in his lower back. Before he went to slouching again.
"If you want me to help with getting the box, how about you get up huh? Unless this is a roundabout way to get to sit on my lap?"

Roman thought about it for a moment, having a realization. Was this just a roundabout way to get into Virgil's lap? Or did he want the box? He was questioning himself, and his motives now...
"Good you finally came around, my threats worked!" he stood up pointing to the box, "That one!" He smiled at Virgil.

Virgil got up as well, letting out a groan before dragging his feet over to the closet. Grabbing the box, and soon handing it to Roman. "Here you go Shorty. Any other duty I must fulfill for the Prince?"

"Other than sit at my feet and praise me, no." He laughed, he never expected Virgil to do that. It was mostly a joke.
"Why don't you sit over there, or you can sit at my desk with me." He smiled brightly, setting the old box down at his desk before snapping. And it was gone. Who knew what was in that box, or why he wanted it gone so badly...

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