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I stroked hyejin's hair, she had fallen asleep in my lap

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I stroked hyejin's hair, she had fallen asleep in my lap. taehyung sat next to me, his head drawn back as we drove.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the car began to slow down.

"ah shit..." hanbin sighed as he looked over the front of the truck.

I lifted hyejin's head softly as I stood up on my knees, we came across, what used to be, a freeway.

it was full of broken down cars, collecting dust and moss and dirt covering the sides.

"how the hell are we gonna get through this?" taehyung asked. "we walk." soohyun simply answered.

hyejin looked up at me as the men jumped off the back of the truck, I smiled at her as I gestured to jump down too.

the soldier driving exited the vehicle, grabbing any last minute items that were in the truck.

we began to walk through the cars, the soldiers were pointing their guns left and right at the cars in case of any zombies.

hyejin was glued in between me and taehyung as we walked through the cars.

"i've never been outside before," hyejin mumbled. "the city is huge from out here..."

I smiled, "it used to look much better than this."

"yeah, normally you couldn't walk on a freeway." taehyung added. "freeway? that's what this is?" hyejin asked, I nodded.

"hey guys, we got something here." the soldier who drove spoke.

hanbin and soohyun walked towards the soldier who was pointing at the ground.

"what the hell..." hanbin mumbled.

"what? z's gone cannibal?" taehyung scoffed as he looked at the dead zombie on the ground, half of his face bitten off.

"no humans for thirteen years? yeah, they're bound to go cannibal." soohyun said.

I pulled hyejin towards me, covering her face as she looked down at the zombie.

as we continued walking I stopped when I stepped on something, I picked up the large metal rod under my foot and gave it to hyejin.

"if they ever come close to you, aim for the head and swing hard." I said as her fingers wrapped around the metal.

she gulped as she looked at the rod, she was nervous, scared. we all were.

I gasped when a zombie jumped out from a car, reaching for hyejin, missing her sleeve by a hair. I pulled her away as quick as I could, aiming the gun at the zombie's head and shooting it.

hyejin was panting, "are you okay? did it touch you?" taehyung asked. she shook her head.

I froze when I heard another snarl. we all turned towards the direction we had came from, only to see hundreds of zombies emerge from the cars.

I pulled hyejin behind my back as taehyung clenched onto my sleeve. "hyejin run." taehyung muttered loud enough for her to hear.

I released my grip from her, her footsteps began to fade away as she ran. the zombies snarled as they stared at us.

me and taehyung were frozen in place, the soldiers in front of us frozen too. we were outnumbered.

a zombie let out a vicious yell, time to go.

"run minseo run!" taehyung yelled. I didn't think to twice to start running, hyejin wasn't too far. the zombie stampede began as the soldiers followed us.

we weren't going to outrun this hoard, it wasn't possible. and there wasn't enough time to hotwire a car.

taehyung gripped onto my backpack, pushing me forward to run faster. I looked over my shoulder as we heard a man scream, hanbin and soohyun shot at the zombies that attacked their comrade.

my heart was lifted when I heard a car honk, a truck full of three men were stopped, waving at us to get on the truck.

hyejin jumped onto the truck first, then me and taehyung with soohyun and hanbin last.

the driver drove away fast, the zombie hoard almost touching the back of the truck.

I was panting like a dog, my legs felt like they were about to crumble. "are you survivors from the busan area?" one man asked. we nodded.

he laughed, "then you guys have had quite the adventure."


hii is it good so far? i really hope y'all are liking it lmao. also, follow me on instagram: @singuphoriaa I've made imagines before on that account so if you wanna check them out, do so😂

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