Prologue 1. Laurie's Newsletter for Locals: The Devil of Haddonfield

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Today is October 24th of 2020 and marks seventeen years without a single homicide in our home town of Haddonfield, Illinois. There are a couple of break-ins every other year and some mild disturbances year round but there's never something the cops can't handle. While 17 years ago there were the same amount of break-ins and disturbances occurring through out, the one thing that made Haddonfield a different playing field was not your typical petty criminal or felon, but a powerful force to be reckoned with. He whom I shouldn't even say the name of because it brings back so many haunting memories from my past that have caused more than 40 years of post traumatic stress on my part. But in order to further explain why so many of the town's citizens have celebrated the "Years Without Evil Day" for these past 17 years, it's a must for me to assure you that evil once, still does to some people, and always will haunt Haddonfield in the legacy of Michael Myers. Known to the headlines as "the Shape" or "the Boogeyman", Michael has taken more lives than Bundy, Dahmer, & Gacy put together. One thing that separates Michael from the bunch is the fact that the other sick pricks had some kind of mental illness or tic that doctors were able to diagnose them with or trace back in order to find out what went wrong in their minds that made them the monsters they were. But even with their combined death tolls of up to 80 lost souls, as a whole don't compare to the purely evil and unstoppable force known as Michael Audrey Myers who's taken more than 130 lives including two of my friends back when I was just 18 years old. After that fateful night back in '78 I spoke with Loomis, his doctor, to understand exactly what he was. The more Loomis shared, the more I realized that Michael wasn't your typical "looney with an illness" but the living embodiment of evil itself. From the night he was born to his first kill at age 6, the child with a blank stare and the devil's eyes chose not to speak a single word. And even after sitting through 15 years of isolation in a mental clinic, escaping for a killing spree, and another 40 years of additional breakouts, this animal has refused to say a thing in his cell where he's currently kept upstate. For this.. thing has no love or sympathy for anything, passion and desire to kill is the only aspect that allows one to call this thing... "human". For any other known serial killer has a heart for something, or someone..... Michael has no emotional drive but that of taking a life, no matter who, when, what age, what race, or how important that person may be, the true face of evil wants to kill them, and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Michael Myers is the devil of Haddonfield and our city should never let its guard down even through these bright days.

Laurie Strode

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