Chapter 74-The lies

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Aidan's p.o.v.

December 11, 1998

Mommy came into my room last night, saying how much she loves me and how I shouldn't get mad at her and watch over my siblings. I was confused why she was telling me this and she gave me letters to for my brothers but not my sister. She came in the middle of the night, crying. I was confused what was happening and why she was crying. I promised her to always take care of my brothers and she promised me not to tell daddy we had this conversation or the letters. She said not to give the letters to my brothers till 16 and I was not to read mine till 16. She said goodnight and I fell asleep.

I woke up to yelling and stuff breaking. I left my room and went downstairs.

"What's happening" I asked

"Where's your mother and sister" dad asked

"I don't know" I replied

"Don't lie to me son, where is your mother and sister" he asked again

"I don't know" I said

I felt the pain radiate through my cheek

He slapped me

Tears were streaming down my face, I never expected him to slap me.

I ran up the stairs and went to my room and sat on my bed and hugged my teddy bear. I just wanted my mommy back, where did she go.

After calming myself down, I went to check up on my brothers. I checked Andrew and Ace's room and they were up.

"Why is daddy yelling?" Ace asked

"Mommy and sissy left us" I said

"What" Andrew said

"Yeah, daddy got mad and hit me. He kept yelling and asking me where she went but I don't know" I said

"Are you okay?" He asked

I nodded

I had to be strong for my brothers.

We all left the room and went to jadens and Ryan's room and checked up on them. They were awake and maids had them. They didn't know what was happening, they were just little babies who didn't understand what was happening.

We all went downstairs and my brothers didn't want to eat but I forced them. I had to keep mommy's promise to watch over them. 

Throughout months dad would come home drunk, angry or sometimes with another girl. He would hurt me, he tried hurting the others but I took the blame and the beating. I started hating my mom for leaving, I hated my little sister. She took my mom away from us and left me with an abusive dad.

The abused happened till I was around 16 when my dad wanted me to take over his mafia. I remembered the letters my mom, who I don't even consider a mother anymore left for my brothers and I

Dear Aidan,

You are reading this when you're 16, your father is probably already training you to take over his business. I want you to know why I left. I left because I found out your father signed a contract saying josh from the genovese family will marry your sister right when she turns 18. I was angry that he did that, he said it was to create a stronger business and not let it fail and crumble. I could not let your sister be apart of that, she deserves a life to live and be happy in the future. I don't want her to be tied down to a unhappy husband and life. I want her to go to college and experience adulthood happily. It was a very hard decision to leave you and your brothers. Every moment I have hated it but it had to be done. I know I left you in good hands, you have your aunt Lauren who loves you so much. Your father may not be there but please be there for your brothers and yourself. I know it's hard to take care of all of them but I know you love them so much. Please don't be angry towards your sister, it wasn't her fault and you know it. You know she never signed up for this, she is just a baby. Be angry at me instead, but don't be angry at her. I love you so much and I'm so sorry this happened. This isn't the last of me, I will see you soon and you will see you sister too
From mom

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