Chapter 87-the bahamas

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We finally landed after a 5 hour flight. Julia and I exited the plan and there was a car waiting for us

"Hello Ms. Julia and Ms. Anastasia, I'm Mark your driver for the duration of the trip" mark greeted

"Hello mark" I said

"Hi mark" Julia said

"The car is waiting for you" mark said

"Thank you" Julia and I both said

We entered the car. I pulled out my phone and called Stefan.

"Hello" I heard on the other line

"Hi" I replied

"Did you and safely, did you meet Mark" he asked

"Yes the flight was fine, and we are in the car right now" I replied

"Ok, good. Text me when you reach the hotel and you're under Jackie Smith" he said

"Ok" I replied

"And don't stress out or worry about me. Just relax, you're on vacation" he said

"Ok, I will try" I replied

"Good, I have to go but have fun and I love you" he said

"I love you too" I replied

I hung up the call and looked outside the window. It was beautiful, we saw the ocean and I couldn't wait to go in. After a 30 minute drive we reached the hotel. We stepped inside and checked in

"Hi I'm checking in" I said

"Name" she said

"Jackie smith" I replied

"Ok, just sign please" she said

I signed it and after her reviewing stuff we got the keys

"Thank you" I replied

Julia and I headed up to our floor. When we got to our door, it was a single door like a normal room, it was a door, to another door which led to our room. I inserted the key, then again for the second door. I stepped inside and holy shit.

It was huge and it had an ocean front view. It was like he got us the presidential suite. I called Stefan to tell him we checked in.

"Hello" I said

"Hey" he replied

"We checked in" I said

"How do you like the room?" He asked

"Amazing, did you get the presidential suite or something" I said jokingly

"Maybe" he said

"Stefan, why?" I questioned

"Hey, can't I give my girlfriend the best of the best" he said

"Yes but this is too much" I replied

"No it's not, now go down to the beach or the pool. I will talk to you later" he said

"Ok, be safe" I said

"I will" he replied

I hung up the phone and explored the suite.

"I call this room" Julia yelled

I went where she was and saw her room. She has a ocean view and had a balcony.

"Ok" I replied

I went to the other room and it was the same but a tad smaller. It was perfect.

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