The explanation

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Alfred pov

After the phone call ended and I answered Russia's questions I was bombarded with questions. Germany then decided to call an hour break to get us all to calm down. I happily agreed and left first leaving the countries to their own thoughts.

England, France and Spain all had similar thoughts.

How did that boy hide something so big from me? What have my actions done to those kids? I  need answers and soon.

Canada, North Mexico and South Mexico also had similar thoughts.

Why didn't he tell me? Aren't we close? Aren't I his freré/hermano/hermana? Aren't we family? 

Everyone else all had the same thoughts. They needed answers and they needed them soon.

After the 1 hour break ended and I came back the silence was deafing. The tension in the air was so thick you frost a 7 tier cake with it. "I suppose I should start, huh." I said. All I got was alot of nods. "Well I guess I should start with saying that i'm not the only personification of the USA. In total there are 54 of us myself included. It consists of me, my younger brother, my capital, the 50 states and NASA." "Wait I thought thought only Canada and the Mexicos were your siblings, how many do you have?" Asked China. " I have four biological siblings Matthew my older twin, Alexis my younger twin then Diego and Maria. Though Alexis is a weird one. Alexis and I are practically copies of one another even more than me and Matthew. The only way you can tell the difference between us is the fact that his hair is several shades darker than mine, his eyes are gray, his skin is a shade or two lighter and he has a scar across his right eye." "Wait how do we have another brother without us never knowing?!" Asked Diego. "Because you weren't there for the 'split'." "Split? Could you please explain that America." Asked Germany. "Well you see, me and Alexis were once in the same body, we are similar to North and South Mexico or North and South Italy, but instead of being two separate people from the start we were stuck in the same body for many years. Until I returned from England in 1680 when he gained a physical form. Before you ask how I have no idea." "Well would explain that I suppose, but what did your government call you to tell you two apart." Asked Germany

"Me and Alexis started to refer ourselves as North and South though we received official names later. I'm still the personification of the United States but back then when we first declared independence I was called the Northern United States and Alexis was and still is the Southern United States but he was also once known as the CSA or the Confederate States of America." I said. "WHAT!!!" Everyone yelled. "America that war almost  killed you why did you did you let that monster live?!?!" Yelled England. "Oi, don't call my uncle a monster you hypocrite!" A new voice yelled silencing the room.

There in the doorway stood a young man. He looked about 18, had light brown almost blond messy hair. America's curl but on the left and light blue eyes. He was wearing a black t shirt with a blue plaid shirt around his waist, denim jeans and army boots Had a bandana with his state flag tied around his left arm, both arms were well toned with muscle, he was around a centimetre taller than America.

"Michael! What are you doing here?!" I said. "I came to make sure everything was alright. Empire told us that the countries heard everything that happened over the phone and that they know of us now. Uncle also woke up not to long ago and was about charge over here, we just convinced him not to come and I volunteered to come instead. They didn't hurt you right mère?" Michael said. " I'm okay don't worry and thank you for stopping your uncle." "Excuse me but who are you?" Asked Germany.

"Oh right, my name is Michael Jones the 9th state of the United States also known as New Hampshire. Ravi de vous recontrer." Michael said shocking the already shocked countries. "You speak french?! Were you a french colony?" Asked Monaco. "Nope, I'm an English state, but french is my second language. That and I border the French part of Canada as well as Vermont a former french colony and Maine an English state that mostly speaks french do to the same reasons as me." Michael replied. 'Oh' went most of the nations.

"That and when your a Jones you need to know more than one language." Michael added. "Que? Why?" Asked Chile. "Because if you have 50 siblings whose background histories are all over the place and no official language it's difficult to keep a conversation straight." Said Michael. "So what language do you know?" Asked China. "I speak English, Irish, Welsh, French, a bit of German and Dutch and I understand Spanish fairly well do to half of my siblings can speak it and I also understand some of the old native languages as well though Empire probably knows the most. She is fluent in the ones I mentioned earlier aswell most of the other European languages aswell as Russian, Chinese and Japanese." Michael said. All of the countries   were shocked how did one person know so many languages and be fluent in them?!

"Michael, I think your forgetting that do to us not having an official language it's easier to learn others. That and Empire always has tourists from all over the globe visiting so it's not  that strange that she would pick up their languages." I stated. I saw the gears click in the other nations heads as they understood how one person could know so many languages.

"Vait who is this 'Empire' you keep mentioning?" Asked Prussia. "'Empire' is the nickname we like to call the 11th state of the US New York or Amelia Jones. And is a shorter version of the official state nicknames. New York is also known as the 'Empire state' New Hampshire is also called the 'Granite state' and New Jersey is called the 'Garden state' so they are also called 'Granite and Garden'." Oh went the countries.

"America, I think it's's time we meet the states." Germany said. All the other nations agreed. "Alright, since there is no way I'll be able to talk you out of this. I'm hosting the next meeting month's meeting I'll be able to explain more and you will be able to meet them but I warn the states hold grudges and what Empire said over the phone wasn't a bluff either. Most of the states would attack no hesitation." I said seriously. Most of the nations suddenly looked a little scared. "Well I think it's time I go. I need to go get things ready for next month meeting and introduction so see ya." I said packing up and leaving the meeting Michael following close behind. "I hope for their sake things don't go south and end in a bloodbath." Michael said. "Me too son." I said.

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