Ainana Opinions on "Love"

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Let's have a look at what the idols think of "Love" by listening in to their conversation. Fufufu~


Tenn and Gaku 

Gaku: Pah. People just need to say what they think. Why go around it? Just confess and it's done.

Tenn: That's how you got rejected. 

Gaku: Hah?!

Tenn: Twice. 


Sougo, Tamaki and Yamato

Sougo: I believe love is the most precious thing in the world to that person. Something they would never be able to let go. 

Tamaki: Ohhhh that makes sense.  

Sougo: Eh?

Tamaki: So like if the world is ending and I have to choose between Sou-chan and Ousama pudding then-

Yamato: *quickly gets up from the couch, rushes to Tamaki and covers his mouth* Baka! None of us is old enough to die, Tama!


Ryuu and Torao

Random Woman: Why don't we go out tonight and have a nice romantic dinner under the bright moonlight? 

Ryuu: Ahahahaha....I prefer the sunlight though. 

Torao: Hey pretty lady, why don't come hang out with me instead? 


Iori and Riku

Iori: When you care about someone, you love them I guess.

Mitsuki: Yeah, I love you Iori. You are my precious little brother

Riku: I love Iori too!

Iori: *blushes red* Hah?!? N-N-Nanase-san?????!!!???

Riku: And Tenn-nii! And IDOLiSH7! Oh and all our fans, too!

Iori: *widened eyes*

Mitsuki: *laughs dryly* ahahaha....

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