The first meet (part 1)

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Thomai: what take you so long?
You: sorry my mom started again to tell me to be careful and you know
Thomai: anyways, come on the boys are waiting at the car
You: okay
Mark: finally you are here
You: sorry
Steve: it's fine
Thomai: anyways we have to hurry or else we gonna miss the ship
You: don't worry girl we gonna be on time
Mark: yeah don't worry baby I'll take us there really quick
Thomai: okay

*at the harbor*

You: see girl we are here on time
Thomai: fortunately
You: anyways guys how did we take the hotel rooms?
Steve: idk I think Mark book the rooms
You: Okay then, Mark what did you take?
Mark: I take two rooms for two people
You: oh okay, and I know exactly why 😏
Steve: it's obvious anyways 😂
You: yeah 😂
Mark: anyways we are going at the bathroom
You&T: okayyy
Thomai: finally holidays, we won't have dramas and we do whatever we want without having our moms to told us what to do.
You: yess
Thomai: we will relax for a week
You: how you are so sure?
Thomai: wdym, we are going for a vacation to relax
You: what if something happen there?
Thomai: idk if it's very important or interesting, but why you are thinking this?
You: idk I just feel like something is going to happen on this holidays and it would change my or our lives.
Thomai: like?
You: idk what but I'm sure something going to happen
Thomai: ughhh I wanted to relax
You: you can relax girl I'm sure it will be something good, at least for me
Thomai: what about us?
You: idk I can't know everything from now I'm not a psychic
Thomai: okay I hope it will be good for us too
You: look as I said before I'm not a psychic but I think it would change my life and you won't need to do something important
Thomai: fortunately, but what about the boys?
You: idk about Mark but if mine change then  maybe and Steve's too

The whole time you were alone with Thomai on the ship. It begun some minutes before. Steve and Mark come to you.

Steve: hey baby do you want to go somewhere together?
You: alone? 😏
Steve: ofc alone
You: oh okay, let's go then

You went inside at the ship and you went somewhere to not be seen so you could do your things. You sat there and you make out for a while but then you stopped and start to talk.

Steve: I think this holidays would be the best ever
You: yeah me too but...
Steve: what?
You: I think is something going to happen there
Steve: like something bad?
You: idk, at least for me it would be good
Steve: for us?
You: for Thomai and Mark it won't be so important but for you idk
Steve: no I meant for you and me
You: oh..... Idk.... I hope we will work this out
Steve: so it would be bad?
You: idk
Steve: anyways let's talk about something else
You: like?
Steve: ehhh... You know something forget it let's make out again 😂
You: haha okay 😂

You make out and after some minutes Thomai texted you.

Thomi ✨


What happened?


It's everything okay?


What is it girlll


Well were are you?

At the coffee bar

Okay coming

You: Thomai want me to go there
Steve: whyyy?
You: idk she didn't told me
Steve: ughhh why now stay a little bit longer
You: I can't she told me to go there now because if I want I will want to kill myself for not being there
Steve: fineeee

You: hey girl we came what happened?
Thomai: I told you to come quickly because you will regret it
You: I came here as fast I could because I got lost a bit 
Thomai: sorry girl next time
You: what? Wdym?
Thomai: someone was there
You: who?
Thomai: if you came earlier you would figure it out
You: why you not telling me?
Thomai: because I want you to see it alone and be surprised
You: it's Carson Lueders here?
Thomai: idk
Mark: you know her for so many years and you know see will never tell you if it's true or not
You: okay then, YOU will tell me
Mark: I'll be honest she didn't tell me and I didn't saw anyone famous right there and also idk who is that Carson
You: ughhhhh and how I'll learn nowww??
Thomai: just wait till he/she appears again
You: ughhh I hate you
Thomai: I don't think so
You: okay sometimes when you are being selfish
Thomai: yeah but you still love me like this
You: no I hate it
Thomai: are you sure? 😌
You: yes
Thomai: you love me
You: I also hate you when you are doing what you are doing right now
Thomai: you love me
You: ugh I won't continue it
Thomai: because you love me
You: I'm going to the bathroom

On your way to the toilet you bump into someone

??? :sorry are you okay
You: yeah I'm-..... Wait are you..... ?
??? : yes I'm Johnny Orlando
You: omg I'm your fan since you were 12
Johnny: really?
You: yes I always had a big crush on you.. I mean I was right face to face you are even better
Johnny: you are really beautiful too
You: nah I don't think so
Johnny: no you are
You: anyways to be honest I still like you. Maybe 17,but I'm still fan and always wanted to meet you
Johnny: you met me now
You: yes and I'm happy and still I can't believe it. I mean I can believe you are in Greece I think I'm dreaming right now
Johnny: no you are not it's real
You: I know it's real but I still I can't believe I met my celebrity crush on my 17 years of life on the ship suddenly
Johnny: haha yeah it's crazy
You: wait you are going to Santorini too?
Johnny: yes why?
You: omg I'll be in the same island at the same week with my idol. Em can I hug you and take a picture?
Johnny: of course
You: omg *and you hug him and he hug back but you stayed a bit longer**then you broke the hug and took the picture*
You: oh my god, thank you
Johnny: no problem
You: so you was the person my best friend told me but she didn't told me your name
Johnny: maybe that's me, but you wanted someone else?
You: no, basically I was expecting Carson because you and him was and still are my biggest celebrity crushes
Johnny: you would prefer was Carson?
You: no I mean I would like it, but it was you and I'm very happy I met you
Johnny: I'm glad to met you too, you are really sweet and gorgeous
You: thank you but I think back to your country the girls are better and more beautiful than me
Johnny: no you are really beautiful the way you are
You: thank you *and you locked in each other eyes and smile each other*
Johnny: em anyways I had to go my family, they will worry for me
You: wait is Lauren here? Omg tell her I love her
Johnny: okay I'll tell her
You: thanks
Johnny: anyways I'll see you around at Santorini probably
You: yeah bye
Johnny: bye

This was the first part of this story, tell me what you think! Also I won't show you the cast this time because it's only the Orlando family from famous people so yeah.

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